About bigfix.me |
Welcome to the bigfix.me community website. Here you'll find user generated content like Fixlets which can perform various actions on your endpoints, Analyses which pull back lots of information and Relevance statements that help you develop your own content.
This website grew from the passion for BigFix (Endpoint Manager). The desire to share and grow the product outside of official channels has led the community to the construction of this website. We hope you want to help our community grow and prosper by submitting content you've created under the following terms.
Here are a few statistics that you might find interesting...
- bigfix.me went live on October 10th, 2012
- We have 18348 registered users, of which, 668 are known/verified IBMers
- Since going live, we've had an average of 28.6594319691905 registrations per week.
- Our database currently contains 19103 Relevance Statements.
- 35389 people have downloaded one or more of our 1123 Analyses.
- 954935 people have downloaded one or more of our 14205 Fixlets.
- Our database has been searched a total of 14669665 times since we started counting in Nov 2012.
You are helping build this community. You contribute your time and energy to making this community a success. Without you, this is just a bragging site for only one person.
Thank you for your continued passion and support!
Consider taking our tour to learn more about what all we have to offer.
Special thanks to Daniel H. Moran who, with passion, enthusiasm and business acumen, initially created bigfix.me that is now rapidly growing as an important mean to build an ecosystem around bigfix content.