Application Information (Windows)
1 Votes |
This analysis contains information about the applications installed on the BES Client computers. Since there can be a large amount of information returned in this property and they can change often, these properties are only evaluated once per day to keep network traffic low. After activating this analysis, you will see the following properties:
Property Details
2994653 | |
QA - Ready for Production Level Testing | |
Application Information (Windows) | |
Application Information | |
akamith on 6/14/2014 2:36:34 AM | |
akamith on 6/14/2014 2:36:34 AM | |
7129 Views / 113 Downloads | |
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Installed Applications - Windows
1 day
* Results in a true/false |
unique values of ( ( (value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of keys whose ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (not exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it OR value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string != "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of native registry) ; (if x64 of operating system then((value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of keys whose ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (not exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it OR value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string != "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of registry) else nothing) ; ((value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of keys whose ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (not exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it OR value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string != "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of keys whose (exists key "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of it) of key "HKU" of registry) ; ((value "ProductName" of item 0 of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else ("")) of key "InstallProperties" of item 1 of it) of it whose ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") of key "InstallProperties" of item 1 of it AND exists value "ProductName" of item 0 of it) of (keys of item 0 of it, keys of item 1 of it) whose (name of item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it) of (key "Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products" of item 0 of it, key "Products" of item 1 of it) of (keys of key "HKU" of it, keys of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData" of it) whose ((exists key "Software\Microsoft\Installer\Products" of item 0 of it and exists key "Products" of item 1 of it)) of native registry) ; (elements of (set of ((value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of it whose ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it AND value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string = "1") AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of keys "InstallProperties" of items 1 of (keys of key "HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products" of it, keys of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products" of it) whose (name of item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it) of native registry) - set of ((value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of keys whose ((exists value "SystemComponent" of it AND value "SystemComponent" of it as string = "1") AND (exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it AND value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string = "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of native registry ; (if (x64 of operating system) then((value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of keys whose ((exists value "SystemComponent" of it AND value "SystemComponent" of it as string = "1") AND (exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it AND value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string = "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of registry) else nothing)))) ; ( (value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of items 1 of (keys of key "HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products" of it, keys of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of it) whose ((value "ProductName" of item 0 of it = value "DisplayName" of item 1 of it) AND ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it AND value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string = "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of item 1 of it) of native registry ; (value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of items 1 of (keys of key "HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products" of native registry, keys of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of registry) whose ((value "ProductName" of item 0 of it = value "DisplayName" of item 1 of it) AND ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it AND value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string = "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of item 1 of it) ; (value "DisplayName" of it as string & (if (exists value "DisplayVersion" of it) then (" | " & value "DisplayVersion" of it as string) else (""))) of items 1 of (keys of key "HKLM\Software\Classes\Installer\Products" of it, keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of keys whose (exists key "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of it) of key "HKU" of it) whose ((value "ProductName" of item 0 of it = value "DisplayName" of item 1 of it) AND ((not exists value "SystemComponent" of it OR value "SystemComponent" of it as string != "1") AND (exists value "WindowsInstaller" of it AND value "WindowsInstaller" of it as string = "1") AND exists value "UninstallString" of it AND not exists value "ParentKeyName" of it AND exists value "DisplayName" of it) of item 1 of it) of native registry ) )
Services - Windows
1 day
* Results in a true/false |
(display name of it & " (" & service name of it & ") | " & state of it) of services whose (exists display name of it AND (length of (display name of it as string)) > 0 AND (number of substrings " " of (display name of it as string) < (length of (display name of it as string))) AND exists service name of it AND (length of (service name of it as string)) > 0 AND (number of substrings " " of (service name of it as string) < (length of (service name of it as string))) AND exists state of it)
name of operating system as lowercase starts with "win"
Used in 9 analyses | * Results in a true/false |
(if (name of operating system starts with "Win") then platform id of operating system != 3 else true) AND (if exists property "in proxy agent context" then (not in proxy agent context) else true) AND (if exists property "android" of type "operating system" then (not android of operating system) else true)
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