This analysis contains information about the Microsoft Windows operating system on BES Client computers. This is an expanded version of the analysis provided by IBM.
Since this information does not change much and its evaluation can be resource intensive, most of these properties are only evaluated once per day.
After activating this analysis, you will see the following properties:
- Full OS Name and Service Pack Level
- OS Architecture
- OS Version Number
- OS Type
- Product ID
- Product Key (Win95, Win98, WinME only)
- Installation Date
- Uptime (days) [BES Clients >= 5.1]
- OS Language (Language of the installed OS)
- System Language
- User Language (Default)
Note: Many of these properties access the Windows Management Interface (WMI) to obtain the hardware properties. The WMI is not usually available on Win9x and WinNT computers so some properties may report back "N/A" on those operating systems.
Note: Some computers may have broken WMI libraries. Inconsistent results and undesired side effects may occur when the BES Client evaluates a WMI query. If you have known problems with WMI in your environment, do not activate this analysis.