BFClients with potential Mailbox site problem - Universal
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This was created to help diagnose a specific issue that occurred as a result of a BigFix database roll back. This relevance definitely gives many false positives, but the information is useful.

The `mailbox site version from the SiteData file (not exact)` property in particlar will often report the wrong version if there is a digit following the apparent version of the mailbox site


Property Details

StatusAlpha - Code that was just developed
TitleBFClients with potential Mailbox site problem - Universal
Added by on 8/11/2016 1:46:10 PM
Last Modified by on 8/11/2016 1:46:10 PM
Counters 7202 Views / 97 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


maximum mailboxsite version
Period 1 hour
  * Results in a "string"/number
Show indented relevance
maximum of unique values of (it as integer) of preceding texts of firsts ")" of following texts of firsts " Successful Synchronization with site 'mailboxsite' (version " of lines containing " Successful Synchronization with site 'mailboxsite' (version " whose(it contains "/mailboxsite") of files whose(12 = length of name of it AND exists lines of it) of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of data folders of clients
version of mailbox site (inspector)
Period 1 hour
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
versions of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it)
max of site version list of mailboxsite
Period 1 hour
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
maxima of site version lists of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it)
last gather times of mailboxsite
Period 1 hour
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
last gather times of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it)
mailbox problem? time
Period 30 minutes
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
exists last gather times whose(it < "Wed, 10 Aug 2016 13:29:58 -0700" as time) of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it)
Raw Mailbox SiteData - Nulls Removed
Period 1 hour
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
concatenations of characters whose(it > "%1F" AND it < "%80") of lines containing "EnterpriseClient Site Data File" of files "SiteData" of folders "__Local" of folders "mailboxsite" of data folders of clients
mailbox site version from the SiteData file (not exact)
Period 1 hour
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
first matches (regex "(^\d+)") of following texts of firsts "]" of (preceding text of first "[" of it | it) of following texts of firsts "Q%01[" of following texts of firsts "/mailboxsite" of concatenations of characters whose("%00" != it) of lines containing "EnterpriseClient Site Data File" of files "SiteData" of folders "__Local" of folders "mailboxsite" of data folders of clients
mailbox problem? version
Period 30 minutes
  * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
not exists unique values whose(it as string starts with (unique value of (it as string as integer as string) of maxima of site version lists of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it))) of (it as string as integer) of first matches (regex "(^\d+)") of following texts of firsts "]" of (preceding text of first "[" of it | it) of following texts of firsts "Q%01[" of following texts of firsts "/mailboxsite" of concatenations of characters whose("%00" != it) of lines containing "EnterpriseClient Site Data File" of files "SiteData" of folders "__Local" of folders "mailboxsite" of data folders of clients


Used in 1 analsis   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
( exists last gather times whose(it < "Wed, 10 Aug 2016 13:29:58 -0700" as time) of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it) ) OR ( not exists unique values whose(it = unique value of (it as string as integer) of maxima of site version lists of sites whose("mailboxsite" = name of it)) of (it as integer) of first matches (regex "(^\d+)") of following texts of firsts "]" of (preceding text of first "[" of it | it) of following texts of firsts "Q%01[" of following texts of firsts "/mailboxsite" of concatenations of characters whose("%00" != it) of lines containing "EnterpriseClient Site Data File" of files "SiteData" of folders "__Local" of folders "mailboxsite" of data folders of clients ) OR ( exists lines containing " FAILED to Synchronize - Server returning old data, try again later. - " whose(it contains "/mailboxsite") of files whose(12 = length of name of it AND exists lines of it) of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of data folders of clients )


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jgstew -
Depending on the issue, you might be able to rev the mailbox version through sending targeted blank actions or similar.
jgstew -
You can contact me here:
Talloaf -
We've been having this mailbox issue for 9 months now in our 25,000 endpoint deployment, after upgrading the BES & SQL servers last November. The recommendation from our IBM support contact is to just reset affected BES Clients, effectively creating a new mailbox site. @jgstew, if you are willing, I would appreciate the chance to collaborate with you over email. talloafatyahoodotcom