FileVault2 Encryption Status all partitions
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Returns the names and FileVault2 encryption status of the volume partitions.

Property Details

StatusBeta - Preliminary testing ready for more
TitleFileVault2 Encryption Status all partitions
Keywordsfilevault, filevault2, partition, mac, mac OS X, macos, OSX, encryption, disk, partition
Added by on 10/6/2016 9:59:40 AM
Last Modified by on 10/6/2016 10:00:19 AM
Counters 5782 Views / 22 Downloads
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  * Results in a true/false
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(names of it, (if (not exists (booleans whose (it) of values of entries whose ("CoreStorage Encrypted" = key of it) of dictionaries of nodes of nodes of nodes "CoreStoragePhysical" of it)) then "Not Encrypted" else "Encrypted")) of nodes of nodes "IOGUIDPartitionScheme" of nodes of nodes "IOBlockStorageDriver" of nodes "IOAHCIBlockStorageDevice" of nodes "AppleAHCIDiskDriver" of nodes "IOAHCIDevice" of (it; nodes of nodes "AppleAHCI" of it) of nodes of nodes of nodes of nodes "AppleACPIPCI" of nodes whose(name of it starts with "PCI") of nodes "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry


Used in 227 fixlets and 100 analyses   * Results in a true/false
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mac of operating system


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Trevinh -
Hey @jgstew, I am using the below query to check FileVault statuses and noticed it does not return values (returns none) for newer macs with the m1 processor. However, older macs with intel processors return expected boolean values. booleans of values of entries whose("Encrypted" = key of it) of dictionaries of nodes of nodes of nodes of nodes "AppleAPFSContainerScheme" of nodes of nodes "IOGUIDPartitionScheme" of nodes of nodes "IOBlockStorageDriver" of nodes of (nodes of it; nodes of nodes of it) of nodes of nodes of nodes of nodes "AppleACPIPCI" of nodes whose(name of it starts with "PCI") of nodes "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry
Bp9906 -
I modified the above to support APFS, though I havent tried merging (all in one). booleans of values of entries whose("Encrypted" = key of it) of dictionaries of nodes of nodes of nodes of nodes "AppleAPFSContainerScheme" of nodes of nodes "IOGUIDPartitionScheme" of nodes of nodes "IOBlockStorageDriver" of nodes of (nodes of it; nodes of nodes of it) of nodes of nodes of nodes of nodes "AppleACPIPCI" of nodes whose(name of it starts with "PCI") of nodes "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry
jgstew -
jgstew -