Endpoint Manager (BigFix) Licensing Updates

Occasionally your BigFix deployment will receive a notice that it has gathered an update to your license.  Then it will ask you to propagate that license to your endpoints.  It notifies you with the following screen:

Licensing Propagate 1 of 8

Licensing Propagate 2 of 8

Licensing Propagate 3 of 8

Licensing Propagate 4 of 8

This private key will require your master password…

Licensing Propagate 5 of 8

Once the tool opens, it will immediately notify you that a propagation is required.  Simply hit YES to this box.

Licensing Propagate 6 of 8

Nothing to do once the tool itself opens, so simply hit OK to close it.

Licensing Propagate 7 of 8

All done.  Return to the console, hit the refresh button in the upper right and the licensing message should be gone.

Licensing Propagate 8 of 8

Keywords: Licensing, Tivoli
5/25/2012 8:36:00 PM
danielheth's Avatar


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