New BigFix Deployment

When you first setup your Tivoli Endpoint Manager (BigFix) deployment, you will want to enable a few analyses.  These analyses will collect data that can be very helpful when managing your infrastructure as well as troubleshooting and adding customizations.

First up is to activate the BES Component Versions analysis…  You can find a shortcut to this under BigFix Management->Deployment Overview

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Simply Activate this analysis…

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And the data will start pouring in.  This information will then be read by various dashboards within the product which help you manage your deployment.

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Another analysis to be activated is the BES Health Checks Analysis.  This will help you analyze the health and configuration of your deployment.  It provides basic information on the components that make up your infrastructure.  You can find the shortcut to this under BigFix Management->Deployment Health Checks

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Activate this as well…

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and you’ll start to see data from this analysis as well.  Just like the first analysis, this one will pull in data and feed that to dashboards within the product.

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Further down on the Deployment Health Checks dashboard in the Deployment Optimization section is a Warning about activating the BES Relay Status Analysis.  Click that shortcut to activate that as well…

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Just as the others, the data will be pulled in for use by various dashboards.

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If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

Keywords: Deployment, Endpoint, Manager, IBM, Setup, Tivoli
5/26/2012 8:36:00 PM
danielheth's Avatar


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