Action Report v.1.6
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How to upload the dashboard to your environment:
  • Download the dashboard zip file and extract the files.
  • From the Endpoint Manager console you can upload the dashboard in one of the following ways:
    1. Enable the Debug Console menu by pressing Crtl-Alt-Shift-D and selecting "Show Debug Menu"
    2. From the Debug Console menu, load the dashboard ojo file by clicking Load Wizard.
  • or
  • Add the extracted files to an Endpoint Manager site by selecting Tools -> Add Files to Site. You see the dashboard in the the Dashboards folder.

Property Details

StatusBeta - Preliminary testing ready for more
Title Action Report v.1.6
Download Size13045
KeywordsAction, Session Relevance, Status, Result
Added by on 5/29/2015 10:19:32 AM
Last Modified by on 7/31/2015 5:44:58 AM
Counters 9432 Views / 296 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


Reports status of open actions, filterable to "Failed", "Fixed", "Running", etc. based on reported computer results

Dashboard Files

File Name

Action Status Report

This Dashboard reports on properties of Actions that are in an "Open" state. On loading, it retrieves all Open Actions, and counts all of the Action Results (such as "Fixed", "Running", "Failed", etc.) along with the number of computers that have reported each result.

Options are provided to display only the Actions that have reported a particular Result (such as "Failed"), and to display a list of every client that has reported the selected Action Result.

Select one or more Action Result types, and/or the "Show Computer Results" checkbox, then click the "Update" button. This updates the Relevance Query. Then press "Retrieve" to build a table from the new Relevance statement.

The Session Relevance that is generated is displayed in a text area, and can be freely edited to allow ad-hoc queries. After manually updating the Session Relevance, press the "Retrieve" button to execute the query and display new results.


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romel420 -
i dosent work bro please check ur bes kindly or anything else
PepsicoManish -
Report does not work for me, Whenever I click on Retrieve I'm getting an error "An error occurred in the script of this page"
Russ -
Hello I loaded this dashboard in the console and it's really nice. Great concept with selecting status, but I keep getting a script error with no information on what line is failing just pointing back to BES Console wizard file. I have seen errors like this before I tried debugging in presentation debugger no such luck. .