Java Runtime Environment 7 update 99 Available (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH
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The listed computers have faulty installations of the latest Java Runtime Environment. BigFix recommends reinstalling this update to ensure the safety of affected computers. For more information about corrupt patches, see BigFix KB #166.

Oracle has released a new version of the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE). Use the action below to update Java to version 7 update 99.

Note: Affected computers may report back as 'Pending Restart' once the patch has run successfully, but will not report back their final status until the computer has been restarted.

Important Note: The Java Runtime Environment update does not remove versions of JRE older than JRE 7 update 99. Multiple versions of JRE may be present on affected computers after applying the action below. Fixlet message "Multiple JRE Versions Installed" (ID 7057001) can be used to uninstall older versions of the Java Runtime Environment.

Important Note: Follow the link for the 'Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE) 7 update 99' download on this page. For more information about manually caching file downloads on the BES Server, please see the following BigFix Support Knowledge Base article.

Important Note: To avoid any service interruption on the client computer, use the default action only when client computers do not have any running instances of Java, Internet Explorer, or Firefox. The default action does not close any running instances these applications on the client machines. If any of these applications are running on the client computers, the default action might fail. Schedule the update to occur at a time when the client machine is not using these applications.

Important Note: Choosing the "Upgrade to the latest JRE regardless of whether or not Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Java is currently running action" will close any running instance of Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Java on the client machines. Please schedule the update to occur at a time when a service interruption is acceptable.

File Size:

29.8 MB



Property Details

StatusProduction - Fully Tested and Ready for Production
TitleJava Runtime Environment 7 update 99 Available (x64) - CORRUPT PATCH
CategoryCritical Updates
Download Size31650880
Source ID22961080
Source SeverityCritical
Source Release Date3/23/2016 12:00:00 AM
KeywordsJava, JRE, Java Update, 7u99, 7 update 99
Added by on 3/30/2016 9:49:04 AM
Last Modified by on 3/30/2016 9:49:04 AM
Counters 3209 Views / 5 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


Used in 365 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
(if( name of operating system starts with "Win" ) then platform id of operating system != 3 else false) AND (if exists property "in proxy agent context" then ( not in proxy agent context ) else true )
Used in 93 fixlets and 2 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
version of client >= "6.0"
Used in 257 fixlets and 9 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
name of operating system as lowercase starts with "win"
Used in 381 fixlets and 2 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
x64 of operating system
Used in 46 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
NOT pending restart
Used in 103 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
not exists values "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE" whose (it as string as lowercase = "ia64") of keys "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" of registry
Used in 7 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
((exists it) AND ((exists value "InstallingJava7_64" whose (it = 1) of it))) of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\JavaInstallation" of registry
Used in 1 fixlet   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
NOT exists value "DisplayVersion" whose ((it = "7" and it >= "7.0.990") of (it as string as version)) of keys whose ((value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "j2se runtime environment" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "runtimeenvironment" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase starts with "java(tm)" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase starts with "java 7") AND (value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "64-bit")) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of x64 registry


Action 1

Action Link Click here to initiate the deployment process.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
begin prefetch block    
add prefetch item name = jre-7u99-windows-x64.exe sha1=3c5bb055a4315d40d5346bd6381b4fec9267b6b5 size=31650880 url={value of setting "_BESClient_AllowCustomRepoDownloads" of client | ""}jre-7u99-windows-x64.exe sha256=ab7d1586e25a22cf93e372c37c786c08c029534a7e6d3c65a1d09ae8f0b0e012
end prefetch block

continue if {not exists running application whose ((it = "java.exe" OR it = "javaw.exe" OR it = "javaws.exe" OR it = "iexplore.exe" OR it = "firefox.exe") of (name of it as lowercase))}

// Note: update .exe will restart service automatically
if{exists running service "JavaQuickStarterService"}
delete __appendfile
delete stop_javaquickstarter.bat
appendfile net stop JavaQuickStarterService
move __appendfile stop_javaquickstarter.bat
waithidden stop_javaquickstarter.bat

regset "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\JavaInstallation]" "InstallingJava7_64"=dword:00000001

waithidden __Download\jre-7u99-windows-x64.exe /s

action may require restart "3c5bb055a4315d40d5346bd6381b4fec9267b6b5"

continue if {((exists value "DisplayVersion" whose ((it = "7" and it >= "7.0.990") of (it as string as version)) of keys whose ((value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "j2se runtime environment" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "runtimeenvironment" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase starts with "java(tm)" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase starts with "java 7") AND (value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "64-bit")) of it) AND (exists key whose (((it contains "java" OR it contains "j2se") AND ((it contains "runtime environment" OR it contains "update")) AND (it contains "64-bit")) of (value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase)) of it)) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of x64 registry}

regdelete "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\JavaInstallation]" "InstallingJava7_64"
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.

Action 2

Action Link Click here to upgrade to the latest JRE regardless of whether or not Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Java is currently running.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
begin prefetch block    
add prefetch item name = jre-7u99-windows-x64.exe sha1=3c5bb055a4315d40d5346bd6381b4fec9267b6b5 size=31650880 url={value of setting "_BESClient_AllowCustomRepoDownloads" of client | ""}jre-7u99-windows-x64.exe sha256=ab7d1586e25a22cf93e372c37c786c08c029534a7e6d3c65a1d09ae8f0b0e012
end prefetch block

// Note: update .exe will restart service automatically
if{exists running service "JavaQuickStarterService"}
delete __appendfile
delete stop_javaquickstarter.bat
appendfile net stop JavaQuickStarterService
move __appendfile stop_javaquickstarter.bat
waithidden stop_javaquickstarter.bat

waithidden {if (name of operating system = "WinXP" AND personal bit (suite mask of operating system)) then "tskill java /a" else "taskkill /F /IM java.exe"}
waithidden {if (name of operating system = "WinXP" AND personal bit (suite mask of operating system)) then "tskill javaw /a" else "taskkill /F /IM javaw.exe"}
waithidden {if (name of operating system = "WinXP" AND personal bit (suite mask of operating system)) then "tskill javaws /a" else "taskkill /F /IM javaws.exe"}
waithidden {if (name of operating system = "WinXP" AND personal bit (suite mask of operating system)) then "tskill iexplore /a" else "taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe"}
waithidden {if (name of operating system = "WinXP" AND personal bit (suite mask of operating system)) then "tskill firefox /a" else "taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe"}

regset "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\JavaInstallation]" "InstallingJava7_64"=dword:00000001

waithidden __Download\jre-7u99-windows-x64.exe /s

action may require restart "3c5bb055a4315d40d5346bd6381b4fec9267b6b5"

continue if {((exists value "DisplayVersion" whose ((it = "7" and it >= "7.0.990") of (it as string as version)) of keys whose ((value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "j2se runtime environment" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "runtimeenvironment" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase starts with "java(tm)" OR value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase starts with "java 7") AND (value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase contains "64-bit")) of it) AND (exists key whose (((it contains "java" OR it contains "j2se") AND ((it contains "runtime environment" OR it contains "update")) AND (it contains "64-bit")) of (value "DisplayName" of it as string as lowercase)) of it)) of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of x64 registry}

regdelete "[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\JavaInstallation]" "InstallingJava7_64"
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.

Action 3

Action Link Click here for more information about the latest version of JRE.
Script Type URL

Action 4

Action Link Click here for security-related information from Oracle.
Script Type URL

Action 5

Action Link Click here for more information from SANS on vulnerabilities in cross-platform applications.
Script Type URL


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