Uninstall: MSI - Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English) - Windows
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This task will uninstall the MSI: Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English)

This task was automatically generated using the task: "RESTAPI: Generate uninstall tasks for all MSI applications on target computer - Windows"


Property Details

StatusAlpha - Code that was just developed
TitleUninstall: MSI - Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English) - Windows
CategorySoftware Sharing
Download Size0
SourceRESTAPI: Generate uninstall tasks for all MSI applications on target computer - Windows
Source IDjgstew
Source Release Date4/20/2016 12:00:00 AM
Is TaskTrue
Added by on 4/21/2016 10:16:43 AM
Last Modified by on 4/21/2016 10:16:43 AM
Counters 6934 Views / 51 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


Windows XP or Later (Relevance 2997025)
Used in 6266 fixlets and 5 analyses   * Results in a true/false
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/* Windows XP or later */ version of operating system >= "5.1"
Windows Only (Relevance 2997197)
Used in 6452 fixlets and 32 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
/* Windows Only */ windows of operating system
Used in 1 fixlet   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
/* Only run if Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English) is installed */ 1 = number of keys whose( (exists values "DisplayName" whose(it as string as lowercase starts with "Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English)" as lowercase) of it) AND (exists values whose(it as string as lowercase starts with "msiexec") of it) ) of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of ( x64 registries; x32 registries )


Action 1 (default)

Action Link Click here to uninstall Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English)
Script Type BigFix Action Script
waithidden msiexec.exe /X { name of keys whose( (exists values "DisplayName" whose(it as string as lowercase starts with "Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English)" as lowercase) of it) AND (exists values whose(it as string as lowercase starts with "msiexec") of it) ) of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of ( x64 registries; x32 registries ) } /qn
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.


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nlaposky -
After applying this fix to our endpoint qualys is still detecting HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\ProductVersion LastProduct = 14.0.7015.1000 %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Office14\acecore.dll Version is 14.0.7102.5000