Universal Uninstaller
0 Votes |
This task will uninstall any program that matches the entered Display Name.
Display Name selects the program to uninstall by matching the DisplayName value in the registry for the program.
Example: Google Chrome
Match Type determines if an exact match or partial match is used for the Display Name value. If "Notepad" is entered for the Display Name, Exact would uninstall programs named exactly "Notepad", Partial would also uninstall something like "Notepad++".
Options: Exact, Partial
Version specifies to uninstall all versions less than this value.
Version Inclusion determines if the specified version is included or excluded from being uninstalled. If "" is entered for Version, Exclude would uninstall any version less than, Include would also uninstall
Options: Exclude, Include
MSI Switch adds a switch to the uninstaller's executable. Only applies to MSI uninstallers.
Example: /qn /norestart FULL_UNINSTALL=YES
EXE Switch adds a switch to the uninstaller's executable. Only applies to EXE uninstallers. Recommended to leave blank unless the program's uninstall method does not run silently.
Example: /silent
Exit Codes defines a list of exit codes returned from the uninstaller that indicate success. Enter these as a list of comma separated values.
Example: 0,1,3010
Force determines if the uninstall registry key is forcibly removed if the uninstaller executable isn't detected. Recommended to leave False.
Options: True, False
Property Details
27371 | |
Beta - Preliminary testing ready for more | |
Universal Uninstaller | |
BESC | |
Internal | |
1/7/2025 12:00:00 AM | |
uninstall, uninstallstring, msi, msiexec, exe, gui, parameter | |
True | |
skyler on 1/21/2025 1:38:46 PM | |
skyler on 1/21/2025 1:38:46 PM | |
132 Views / 4 Downloads | |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Action 1 (default)
// Disable redirecting 64-bit registry paths to 32-bit pathsSuccess Criteria
action uses wow64 redirection false
parameter "ScriptPath" = "__Download\UniversalUninstaller.ps1"
// Delete PowerShell script if already detected to prevent errors w/ copy action
if {exists parameter "ScriptPath"}
delete {parameter "ScriptPath"}
// Create PowerShell script
createfile until ENDOFSCRIPT
param (
[ValidateSet('Exact', 'Partial')]
[string]$matchType = 'Exact',
[version]$version = '9999.0.0.0',
[ValidateSet('Exclude', 'Include')]
[string]$versionInclusion = 'Exclude',
[string]$msiSwitch = '/qn',
[string]$exeSwitch = $null,
[array]$exitCodes = (0,3010),
# Revert whitespace parameters to default values
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($msiSwitch)) {{ $msiSwitch = '/qn' }
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($exeSwitch)) {{ $exeSwitch = $null }
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($exitCodes)) {{ $exitCodes = (0,3010) }
# Get all uninstall registry keys
$uninstallPaths =
$uninstallString = Get-ChildItem $uninstallPaths | ForEach-Object {{
Get-ItemProperty -LiteralPath $_.PsPath | Where-Object {{
$item = $_
$condition1 = switch ($matchType) {{
'Exact' {{$item.DisplayName -eq $displayName}
'Partial' {{$item.DisplayName -match $displayName}
$condition2 = switch ($versionInclusion) {{
'Exclude' {{[version]$item.DisplayVersion -lt $version}
'Include' {{[version]$item.DisplayVersion -le $version}
$condition1 -and $condition2
} | Select-Object PsPath, DisplayName, UninstallString, QuietUninstallString
$uninstallString | ForEach-Object {{
$string = $(
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($_.QuietUninstallString)) {{ $_.UninstallString }
else {{ $_.QuietUninstallString }
) -replace '(?)([a-zA-Z]:\\[^"]+\.(bat|cmd|exe|msi))(?!")', '"$1"'
$uninstallParams = @{{
Wait = $true
PassThru = $true
# If uninstall string is msiexec uninstaller
if ($string -match '/[IX]\{{[^}]*\}') {{
$uninstallParams.FilePath = $string.Replace($matches[0], '')
$uninstallParams.ArgumentList =
if ($uninstallParams.ArgumentList -match $msiSwitch) {{ $matches[0] }
else {{ $matches[0] + " $msiSwitch" }
# If uninstall string is .cmd/.bat/.exe uninstaller
} elseif ($string -match '"[^"]*"') {{
$uninstallParams.FilePath = $matches[0]
if ($exeSwitch) {{
$uninstallParams.ArgumentList = $exeSwitch
} elseif (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($string.Replace($matches[0], ''))) {{
$uninstallParams.ArgumentList = $string.Replace($matches[0], '')
# Remove registry key if -Force switch used and executable doesn't exist
if (!(Test-Path $matches[0])) {{
if ($force) {{
Remove-Item -LiteralPath $_.PsPath -Force -Recurse
} else {{
Write-Host "- Uninstaller not detected"
Write-Host " $($matches[0])"
$throw = $true
} else {{
# Start uninstaller
$process = Start-Process @uninstallParams
# Check if uninstalled successfully
if ((Test-Path -LiteralPath $_.PsPath) -and ($process.ExitCode -notin $exitCodes)) {{
Write-Host "- Failed to uninstall"
Write-Host " ExitCode = $($process.ExitCode)"
$throw = $true
} else {{
Write-Host "- Uninstalled"
# Throw if any uninstall failed
if ($throw) {{ throw }
// Run PowerShell script
copy __createfile {parameter "ScriptPath"}
wait powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "{parameter "ScriptPath"}" -DisplayName "{parameter "DisplayName"}" -MatchType {parameter "MatchType"} -Version "{parameter "Version"}" -VersionInclusion {parameter "VersionInclusion"} -MsiSwitch "{parameter "MsiSwitch"}" -ExeSwitch "{parameter "ExeSwitch"}" -ExitCodes {parameter "ExitCodes"} {if parameter "Force" = "True" then "-Force" else ""}
delete {parameter "ScriptPath"}
This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.
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