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If you want to remove the BES Clients from a computer, you can remove it using this task in two ways:

  • Uninstall the BES Client - this removes the BES Client application, but will leave behind configuration options, settings, and other traces of the application. This will allows you to reinstall the BES Client at a later time and keep the same computer ID and configuration.
  • Remove all traces of the BES Client - this will uninstall the BES Client and remove all of the configuration files and registry keys. If you reinstall the BES Client on the computer at a later time, it will use a different computer ID (thereby appearing as a completely separate computer in BES).

Note: The action to remove the BES Client will not delete the folder "C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise".

Note: Client machines may briefly display DOS windows during action execution.

Note: If you use the second option to remove BES Client, "BES Client" folder and its subfolder "__BESData\BES Support" may still exist after running the fixlet.

Note: This task will not report relevant on the BES Server and BES Relays. To remove the BES Client on a BES Relay, you must first uninstall the BES Relay using the appropriate BES Relay uninstall task.

Important Note: The BES Clients will not be able to report the final status of the action because they will be removed before the action completes. Instead, the BES Clients will stop responding and the action status will report back as 'Evaluating', 'Failed', or 'Running'. You will need to manually remove the computer from the BES Console after the BES Client is uninstalled.

Important Note: This task will not become relevant on machines on which the BES Client has been hidden from the Add/Remove Programs List. Please use the  tasks prior to using this removal task.

Property Details

TitleTROUBLESHOOTING: Uninstall BES Client
Download Size0
Source ID<Unspecified>
Source SeverityLow
Source Release Date5/12/2003 12:00:00 AM
KeywordsBES Client Clients Remove Note
Added by on 10/17/2012 1:16:06 PM
Last Modified by on 10/17/2012 1:16:06 PM
Counters 21823 Views / 138 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


Used in 221 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
(if exists property "in proxy agent context" then ( not in proxy agent context ) else true )
Used in 92 fixlets and 24 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
version of client >= "5.1"
Used in 1 fixlet   * Session Relevance
Show indented relevance
name of operating system starts with "Win" AND (((it = "BES Client" OR it = "Enterprise Client") of name of parent folder of regapp "BESClient.exe") AND exists (values "DisplayName" of keys of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of registry) whose ((it = "BigFix Enterprise Client" OR it = "BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client" OR it = "ESP Agent" OR it = "Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform" OR it = "Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client") of (it as string)))
Used in 4 fixlets and 1 analsis   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
not (exists relay service OR exists main gather service)


Action 1

Action Link Click here to uninstall the BES Client.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
if {name of operating system starts with "Win"}
// create a batch file to create the temp folder
delete __appendfile
delete tempdir.bat
appendfile @echo off
appendfile {if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then ("") else if (exists folder "temp" of windows folder) then ("") else ("mkdir " & pathname of windows folder as string & "\temp")}
move __appendfile tempdir.bat
wait "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport" & "\RunQuiet.exe"}" tempdir.bat
delete tempdir.bat
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunQuiet.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunQuiet.exe")}"
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\delClient.iss") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\delClient.iss")}"
copy "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport" & "\RunQuiet.exe"}" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunQuiet.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunQuiet.exe")}"
copy "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport" & "\delClient.iss"}" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\delClient.iss") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\delClient.iss")}"
// create a batch file to uninstall client and run BESRemove from a different directory
appendfile @echo off
appendfile cd {if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string) else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string)}
appendfile {(if it as lowercase starts with "msiexec" then preceding text of first "%00" of it else preceding text of first "%20-" of it) of (value "UninstallString" of key whose ((it = "BigFix Enterprise Client" OR it = "BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client" OR it = "ESP Agent" OR it = "Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform" OR it = "Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client") of (value "DisplayName" of it as string)) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of registry as string)}{if (value "UninstallString" of key whose ((it = "BigFix Enterprise Client" OR it = "BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client" OR it = "ESP Agent" OR it = "Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform" OR it = "Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client") of (value "DisplayName" of it as string)) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of registry as string as lowercase starts with "msiexec") then " /qn" else (" -s --uninstallsilent " & (if version of regapp "BESClient.exe" >= "5.1" then " -f1" & (if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\delClient.iss") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\delClient.iss")) else ""))}
// move batch file to temp directory
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat")}"
copy "__appendfile" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat")}"
// run batchfile
run "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunQuiet.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunQuiet.exe")}" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat")}"
continue if {false}
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.

Action 2

Action Link Click here to completely remove all traces of the BES Client.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
if {version of client <= "7.2"}
    continue if {(size of it = 961608 and sha1 of it = "d366dddd7cb7af637b5c0fe38b645c60e0181a9d") of file "BESRemove-" of folder "__download"}
    delete "__download/BESRemove.exe"
    move "__download/BESRemove-" "__download/BESRemove.exe"
    continue if {(size of it = 1101720 and sha1 of it = "c116b6aa0c58f9cae40405dae65eaabe08af97d3") of file "BESRemove-8.1.608.0.exe" of folder "__download"}
    delete "__download/BESRemove.exe"
    move "__download/BESRemove-8.1.608.0.exe" "__download/BESRemove.exe"
// create a batch file to create the temp folder
delete __appendfile
delete tempdir.bat
appendfile @echo off
appendfile {if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then ("") else if (exists folder "temp" of windows folder) then ("") else ("mkdir " & pathname of windows folder as string & "\temp")}
move __appendfile tempdir.bat
wait "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport" & "\RunQuiet.exe"}" tempdir.bat
delete tempdir.bat
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\BESRemove.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\BESRemove.exe")}"
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunQuiet.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunQuiet.exe")}"
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\delClient.iss") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\delClient.iss")}"
move "__download/BESRemove.exe" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\BESRemove.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\BESRemove.exe")}"
copy "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport" & "\RunQuiet.exe"}" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunQuiet.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunQuiet.exe")}"
copy "{pathname of client folder of site "BESSupport" & "\delClient.iss"}" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\delClient.iss") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\delClient.iss")}"
// create a batch file to uninstall client and run BESRemove from a different directory
appendfile @echo off
appendfile cd {if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string) else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string)}
appendfile {(if it ends with "%00" then preceding text of first "%00" of it else it) of (value "UninstallString" of key whose ((it = "BigFix Enterprise Client" OR it = "BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client" OR it = "ESP Agent" OR it = "Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform" OR it = "Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client") of (value "DisplayName" of it as string)) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of registry as string)} {if (value "UninstallString" of key whose ((it = "BigFix Enterprise Client" OR it = "BigFix for IBM Proventia ESC Client" OR it = "ESP Agent" OR it = "Trend Micro Endpoint Security Platform" OR it = "Tivoli Endpoint Manager Client") of (value "DisplayName" of it as string)) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" of registry as string as lowercase starts with "msiexec") then "/qn" else ("/s --uninstallsilent " & (if version of regapp "BESClient.exe" < "5.1" then " /f1 %22" & (if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\delClient.iss") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\delClient.iss")) & "%22" else ""))}
appendfile RunQuiet.exe BESRemove.exe /silent /force /client
appendfile rmdir /s /q {pathname of parent folder of regapp "BESClient.exe"} > NUL 2> NUL
// move batch file to temp directory
delete "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat")}"
copy "__appendfile" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat")}"
// run batchfile
run "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunQuiet.exe") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunQuiet.exe")}" "{if (exists variable "temp" of environment) then (value of variable "temp" of environment as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat") else (pathname of folder "temp" of windows folder as string & "\RunBESRemove.bat")}"
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.


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