TODO Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows - superseded
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Versioning - This is an older version.

1TODO Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows3/17/2016 4:03:25 PM
2TODO Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows3/18/2016 10:48:32 AM
3Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows3/18/2016 11:00:52 AM
4Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows3/18/2016 6:00:42 PM
5Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete Problematic PepperFlash in User folder - Windows3/22/2016 1:13:42 PM


<enter a description of the task here>

Property Details

StatusAlpha - Code that was just developed
TitleTODO Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows
Download Size0
Source IDjgstew
Source Release Date3/17/2016 12:00:00 AM
Is TaskTrue
Added by on 3/18/2016 10:48:32 AM
Last Modified by on 3/18/2016 10:48:32 AM
Counters 2180 Views / 41 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.


Used in 381 fixlets and 2 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
x64 of operating system
isWindows (Relevance 1172)
Used in 1152 fixlets and 538 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
windows of operating system
Used in 4 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
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exists files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders "PepperFlash" of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:"
Used in 4 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
exists files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders of folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash" of folders of folders "C:\Users"
Used in 2 fixlets   * Results in a "string"/number
Show indented relevance
exists it whose( /* flash version in user folders */ item 0 of it >= /* flash version in newest chrome programfiles folder */ item 1 of it) of ( (maximum of versions of files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders of folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash" of folders of folders "C:\Users"), (versions of files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders "PepperFlash" of items 1 of ( ( maximum of (name of it as version) of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) , ( folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) ) whose(item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it as version)) )
Used in 2 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
exists values whose(it as string = "x64") of keys "x-ppapi-arch" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of folders "PepperFlash" of items 1 of ( ( maximum of (name of it as version) of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) , ( folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) ) whose(item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it as version)


Action 1 (default)

Action Link Click here to deploy this action.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
// need to delete all occurances of a higher version pepperflash in the user folder

delete __createfile

createfile until END_OF_FILE
{ concatenation "%0d%0a" of ("rmdir /S /Q %22"&it&"%22") of pathnames of folders whose( ( unique value of versions of files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders "PepperFlash" of items 1 of ( ( maximum of (name of it as version) of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) , ( folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) ) whose(item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it as version)) <= (it as version) of name of it ) of folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash" of folders of folders "C:\Users" }

delete delete_folders.bat
copy __createfile delete_folders.bat
waithidden cmd /c delete_folders.bat
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.


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