Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows - superseded
0 Votes |
Versioning - This is an older version.
1 | TODO Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows | 3/17/2016 4:03:25 PM |
2 | TODO Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows | 3/18/2016 10:48:32 AM |
3 | Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows | 3/18/2016 11:00:52 AM |
4 | Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows | 3/18/2016 6:00:42 PM |
5 | Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete Problematic PepperFlash in User folder - Windows | 3/22/2016 1:13:42 PM |
This task will delete any versions of PepperFlash equal to or newer in the user profile than the one in ProgramFiles.
This is needed due to a bug when switching from per-user installed Chrome to Chrome 64-bit in which Chrome 64-bit will find a similar or newer version of PepperFlash in the user folder and prefer it over the version in its own folder even though it is the wrong architecture in this case.
Property Details
9294 | |
Alpha - Code that was just developed | |
Fix Chrome Flash Issue - Delete PepperFlash in User folder - Windows | |
BESC | |
0 | |
Internal | |
jgstew | |
3/17/2016 12:00:00 AM | |
True | |
jgstew on 3/18/2016 6:00:42 PM | |
jgstew on 3/18/2016 6:00:42 PM | |
5559 Views / 42 Downloads | |
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isWindows (Relevance 1172)
windows of operating system
Used in 4 fixlets | * Results in a true/false |
exists files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders "PepperFlash" of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:"
Used in 4 fixlets | * Results in a true/false |
exists files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders of folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash" of folders of folders "C:\Users"
Used in 1 fixlet | * Results in a true/false |
/* verify x64 pepperflash is present in newest chrome in programfiles */ exists values whose(it as string = "x64") of keys "x-ppapi-arch" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of folders "PepperFlash" of items 1 of ( ( maximum of (name of it as version) of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) , ( folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) ) whose(item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it as version)
Used in 1 fixlet | * Results in a true/false |
exists it whose( /* maximum x32 flash version in user folders */ item 0 of it >= /* flash version in newest chrome programfiles folder */ item 1 of it) of ( (maximum of versions of files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders whose(exists values whose(it as string = "ia32") of keys "x-ppapi-arch" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of it) of folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash" of folders of folders "C:\Users"), (versions of files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders "PepperFlash" of items 1 of ( ( maximum of (name of it as version) of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) , ( folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) ) whose(item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it as version)) )
Action 1 (default)
Action Link Click
here to deploy this action.
Script Type
BigFix Action Script
// need to delete all occurances of a higher version pepperflash in the user folderSuccess Criteria
delete __createfile
createfile until END_OF_FILE
{ concatenation "%0d%0a" of ("rmdir /S /Q %22"&it&"%22") of pathnames of items 0 of it whose( item 1 of it <= version of file "pepflashplayer.dll" of item 0 of it ) of (it, ( maximum of versions of files "pepflashplayer.dll" of folders "PepperFlash" whose(exists values whose(it as string = "x64" ) of keys "x-ppapi-arch" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of it) of items 1 of ( ( maximum of (name of it as version) of folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) , ( folders of folders "Google\Chrome\Application" of folders whose(name of it starts with "Program Files") of folders "C:" ) ) whose(item 0 of it = name of item 1 of it as version) ) ) of folders whose(exists values whose(it as string = "ia32") of keys "x-ppapi-arch" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of it) of folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash" of folders of folders "C:\Users" }
delete delete_folders.bat
copy __createfile delete_folders.bat
waithidden cmd /c delete_folders.bat
This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.
Social Media: |
Thanks very much - I really appreciate it! |
I don't have any other fixlets for this issue. |
see the analysis here: |
There are definitely a few ways to solve this issue, and this relevance was written with a very particular circumstance in mind, so it might not be satisfied in all cases where it should be. I'll have to see what related content I have. I do have an analysis that checks a lot of things related to this. |
It looks like this can also be resolved by just deleting the contents of: C-Users-username-AppData-Local-Google-Chrome-User Data-PepperFlash Do you have a task that will do just that? The above does not seem to find any relevant computers in my environment. Thanks so much for all your contributions! |