not exists setting "_BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle" of client OR not exists value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle" of client
then 480 else
value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle" of client as integer
as floating point
sum of cores of cpupackage as floating point
* 100
as integer
not exists setting "_BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle" of client OR not exists value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle" of client
then 10 else
value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle" of client as integer
as floating point
(((((it)/((it)+((if (not exists setting "_BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle" of client OR not exists value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle" of client) then 480 else (value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_SleepIdle" of client as integer)) as floating point))) / (sum of cores of cpupackage as floating point)) * 100) as integer) of ((if (not exists setting "_BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle" of client OR not exists value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle" of client) then 10 else (value of setting "_BESClient_Resource_WorkIdle" of client as integer)) as floating point)