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Raw info from active devices
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((if not exists class of it then "NoClass" else class of it as string) & ";" & (if not exists status of it then "NoStatus" else status of it as string) & ";" & (if not exists problem id of it then "NoProblemId" else problem id of it as string) & ";" & (if not exists manufacturer of it then "NoManufacturer" else manufacturer of it) & ";" & (if not exists friendly name of it then "NoFriendlyName" else friendly name of it) & ";" & (if not exists description of it then "NoDescription" else description of it as string) & ";" & (if not exists location information of it then "NoLocation" else location information of it as string) & ";" & (if not exists driver key value name of it then "NoDriverKeyValueName" else driver key value name of it as string) & ";" & (if not exists service key value name of it then "NoServiceKeyValueName" else service key value name of it as string)) of active devices whose(class of it != "VolumeSnapshot")

Property Details

TitleRaw info from active devices
DescriptionThis is a raw dump of data from the "active devices" inspector. See an improved version here: http://bigfix.me/relevance/details/2998536
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Last Modified by on 1/14/2014 9:30:37 AM
Counters 4 Downloads
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