number of files whose
name of it as lowercase ends with ".log"
AND exists lines of it AND 12 = length of name of it
of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of
exists properties whose
it as string starts with "data folder of " AND it as string contains "client"
data folder of client
else NULL
folder "/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData"
folder "/Library/Application Support/BigFix/BES Agent/__BESData"
folder "__BESData" of parent folder of client
number of files whose((name of it as lowercase ends with ".log") AND exists lines of it AND 12 = length of name of it) of folders "Logs" of folders "__Global" of ( (if (exists properties whose(it as string starts with "data folder of " AND it as string contains "client")) then (data folder of client) else NULL)|(folder "/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData")|(folder "/Library/Application Support/BigFix/BES Agent/__BESData")|(folder "__BESData" of parent folder of client) )