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Relevance #3002291
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( ( ( (it as integer) of first 4 of node value of select "a:EndDate/text()" of it ) - ( (it as integer) of first 4 of node value of select "a:StartDate/text()" of it ) ) as string & " Year " & ( node value of select "a:ServiceLevelDescription/text()" of it ) & ", Provider: " & (node value of select "a:ServiceProvider/text()" of it) & ", Start Date: " &( (preceding text of first "T" of it) of node value of select "a:StartDate/text()" of it )& ", End Date: " &( (preceding text of first "T" of it) of node value of select "a:EndDate/text()" of it )& ", Days Left: " & ( (if (it != "00:00:00") then it else "0 days") of (it as string) of (if (it > 0*day) then it else 0*day) of (( ((it as date) of (last 2 of it & " " & (substring (4,2) of it as integer as month as three letters) & " " & first 4 of it) of it) of (it as trimmed string) of (concatenation of substrings separated by "-" of it) of (preceding text of first "T" of it) of node value of select "a:EndDate/text()" of it ) - current date) ) ) of selects "/GetAssetWarrantyResponse/GetAssetWarrantyResult/a:Response/a:DellAsset/a:Warranties/a:Warranty" of xml documents of files "results_Dell_GetAssetWarranty.xml" of folders "__BESData\__Global\Logs" of parent folder of client

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Last Modified by on 5/6/2015 3:04:42 PM
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