now - it
it < 30*day
of maxima of creation times of files whose
name of it ends with ".log" AND name of it starts with "IDF_"
folders of folders "Logs" of folders of folders "/Users/Shared/.identityfinder/Application/"
folders "Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/Identity Finder Mac Edition/logs" of folders of folders "/Users"
folders "ProgramData\Identity Finder\Logs\SystemSearch" of it
folders "AppData\Local\Identity Finder\logs" of folders of folders "Users" of it
of folders "C:"
exists (now - it) whose(it < 30*day) of maxima of creation times of files whose (name of it ends with ".log" AND name of it starts with "IDF_") of ( (folders of folders "Logs" of folders of folders "/Users/Shared/.identityfinder/Application/"); (folders "Library/Application Support/Identity Finder/Identity Finder Mac Edition/logs" of folders of folders "/Users"); ( ( (folders "ProgramData\Identity Finder\Logs\SystemSearch" of it); (folders "AppData\Local\Identity Finder\logs" of folders of folders "Users" of it) ) of folders "C:" ) )