windows of operating system
exists keys whose
value "DisplayName" of it = "Carbon Black Sensor"
of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of registry
else if
exists match
regex "Linux CentOS (6|7)"
of name of operating system
name of operating system starts with "Linux Red Hat"
exists file "/etc/redhat-release" whose
exists line whose
exists match
regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Client|Server|Workstation) release 6|7"
of it
of it
AND NOT exists file "/etc/vmware-release" whose
exists line whose
it contains "VMware ESX"
of it
AND NOT exists file "/etc/enterprise-release" whose
exists line whose
it contains "Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux"
of it
exists package "cbsensor" of rpm
else false
if (windows of operating system) then (exists keys whose (value "DisplayName" of it = "Carbon Black Sensor") of key "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of registry) else if ((exists match (regex "Linux CentOS (6|7)") of name of operating system) OR ((name of operating system starts with "Linux Red Hat") AND (exists file "/etc/redhat-release" whose (exists line whose (exists match (regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Client|Server|Workstation) release 6|7") of it) of it) AND NOT exists file "/etc/vmware-release" whose (exists line whose (it contains "VMware ESX") of it) AND NOT exists file "/etc/enterprise-release" whose (exists line whose (it contains "Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux") of it)))) then (exists package "cbsensor" of rpm) else false