windows of operating system
state of service whose
display name of it = "Carbon Black Sensor"
| "n/a"
else if
exists match
regex "Linux CentOS (6|7)"
of name of operating system
name of operating system starts with "Linux Red Hat"
exists file "/etc/redhat-release" whose
exists line whose
exists match
regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Client|Server|Workstation) release 6|7"
of it
of it
AND NOT exists file "/etc/vmware-release" whose
exists line whose
it contains "VMware ESX"
of it
AND NOT exists file "/etc/enterprise-release" whose
exists line whose
it contains "Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux"
of it
if exists process "cbdaemon" then "Running" else "n/a"
else "n/a"
if (windows of operating system) then (state of service whose (display name of it = "Carbon Black Sensor") | "n/a") else if ((exists match (regex "Linux CentOS (6|7)") of name of operating system) OR ((name of operating system starts with "Linux Red Hat") AND (exists file "/etc/redhat-release" whose (exists line whose (exists match (regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Client|Server|Workstation) release 6|7") of it) of it) AND NOT exists file "/etc/vmware-release" whose (exists line whose (it contains "VMware ESX") of it) AND NOT exists file "/etc/enterprise-release" whose (exists line whose (it contains "Enterprise Linux Enterprise Linux") of it)))) then (if exists process "cbdaemon" then "Running" else "n/a") else "n/a"