if exists folder
parent folder of client
as string
& "\Intel_AMT_Scanner"
then if exists file
as string
& "_System_Summary.xml"
of folder
parent folder of client
as string
& "\Intel_AMT_Scanner"
then preceding text of first "<" of
following text of first ">" of
lines of file
as string
& "_System_Summary.xml"
of folder
parent folder of client
as string
& "\Intel_AMT_Scanner"
it as string contains "Scan_Date"
else "No Scan Results xml File" else "Scan Not Run"
if exists folder (((parent folder of client) as string) & "\Intel_AMT_Scanner") then if exists file (((hostname) as string) & "_System_Summary.xml") of folder (((parent folder of client) as string) & "\Intel_AMT_Scanner") then preceding text of first "<" of (following text of first ">" of (lines of file (((hostname) as string) & "_System_Summary.xml") of folder (((parent folder of client) as string) & "\Intel_AMT_Scanner")) whose (it as string contains "Scan_Date")) else "No Scan Results xml File" else "Scan Not Run"