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Session relevance - return list of domains found in prefetch URLs for all fixlets
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  * Session Relevance
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(it, multiplicity of it) of unique values of (preceding texts whose (it contains ".") of firsts "/" of substrings separated by "://" of unique values of ((matches (case insensitive regex "(http|https|ftp|protocol)://\S*") of matches (case insensitive regex "^(download|prefetch).*$") of scripts whose (it contains "download" or it contains "prefetch") of it ) of actions of it) of bes fixlets whose ((Fixlet flag of it or baseline flag of it or task flag of it) AND exists actions whose ( exists script of it) of it))

Property Details

TitleSession relevance - return list of domains found in prefetch URLs for all fixlets
KeywordsPrefetch, session relevance, Domains, download direct
DescriptionThis session relevance query will return a list of all unique domains found in the actionscript of all fixlets that the executing operator has visibility into, and the number of times each domain was found. The intended use for this list is to help operators populate the client setting _BESClient_Download_Direct_Domainlist with customer-specific external URLs. See here for client download behavior: https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/10.0/platform/Platform/Config/r_client_set.html#r_client_set__dwld
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Last Modified by on 8/11/2020 11:35:05 AM
Counters 10 Downloads
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