number of elements of it = 0
then "PASS" else "FAIL - Issues: " & concatenation "," of elements of it
of set of
following texts whose
it does not contain "12" AND
it as integer < 12
of first 2 of
it as trimmed string
of following text of first "DirectX" of it
of first ": " of
it as string
of lines whose
it as trimmed string starts with "DirectX Version: "
of it; following texts whose
it as trimmed string as version < "2.0"
of following text of first "WDDM" of it
of firsts ": " of
it as string
of lines whose
it as trimmed string starts with "Driver Model:" and it contains "WDDM"
of it
of file "win11-eligibility\dxdiag.txt" of parent folder of client |"probe not run"
(if (number of elements of it = 0) then "PASS" else "FAIL - Issues: " & concatenation "," of elements of it ) of set of ( following texts whose (it does not contain "12" AND (it as integer < 12 ) of first 2 of (it as trimmed string) of following text of first "DirectX" of it) of first ": " of (it as string) of lines whose (it as trimmed string starts with "DirectX Version: ") of it; following texts whose ( (it as trimmed string as version < "2.0") of following text of first "WDDM" of it) of firsts ": " of (it as string) of lines whose (it as trimmed string starts with "Driver Model:" and it contains "WDDM") of it)of file "win11-eligibility\dxdiag.txt" of parent folder of client |"probe not run"