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Relevance #3023552
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Used in 1 fixlet   * Results in a true/false
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( not exists settings "_BESClient_Download_PreCacheStageDiskLimitMB" whose( (it >= 20000) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists settings "_BESClient_Download_NormalStageDiskLimitMB" whose( (it >= 20000) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists settings "_BESClient_Download_DownloadsCacheLimitMB" whose( (it >= 2000) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists settings "_BESClient_Download_MinimumDiskFreeMB" whose( (it >= 2000) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists settings "_BESClient_Comm_CommandPollIntervalSeconds" whose( (it <= 43200) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists settings "_BESClient_Comm_CommandPollEnable" whose( (it = 1) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists settings "__RelaySelect_Automatic" whose( (it = 1) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client ) OR ( not exists setting "_BESClient_RelaySelect_FailoverRelayList" whose (value of it = "DMZRELAYNAME") of client) OR ( not exists setting "_BESClient_Download_Direct_Domainlist" whose (value of it = "") of client) OR (not exists setting "_BESClient_Download_Direct" whose( (it = 0) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client) OR ( not exists settings "_BESClient_PersistentConnection_Enabled" whose( (it = 1) of (it as string as integer) of values of it ) of client )

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Last Modified by on 11/13/2023 10:45:50 AM
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