if ( name of operating system as lowercase startswith"win" ) then ( if ( exists service "BESRootServer"andexists regapp "BESClient.exe" ) then ( ( sum of sizes of files of folder ( ( preceding text of first "BESClient.exe"of pathname of regapps "BESClient.exe" ) & "__BESData\actionsite" ) / 1000 ) as string & " KB" ) else"N/A" ) else"N/A"
if (name of operating system as lowercase startswith"win") then (if (exists service "BESRootServer"andexists regapp "BESClient.exe") then ((sum of sizes of files of folder ((preceding text of first "BESClient.exe"of pathname of regapps "BESClient.exe") & "__BESData\actionsite") / 1000) as string & " KB") else"N/A") else"N/A"
concatenation ", "of ( ifexists regapp "outlook.exe"thenif version of regapp "outlook.exe"="10"then ( if ( exists values whose ( itas string contains".pst" ) of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of keys "HKEY_USERS"of registry ) then ( ( pathname ofit & " - " & ( size ofit / ( 1024*1024 ) ) as string & "Mb" ) of files ( ( values whose ( itas string contains".pst" ) of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of keys "HKEY_USERS"of registry ) as string ) ) else ( "No archive" ) ) elseif version of regapp "outlook.exe" >= "11"then ( if ( exists ( Values "001f6700"of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of key "HKEY_USERS"of registry as string ) ) then ( ( ( pathname ofit & " - " & ( size ofit / ( 1024*1024 ) ) as string & "MB" ) of files ( ( hexadecimal strings ( concatenation of ( ( hexadecimal integer ( last 2ofit & first 2ofit ) as hexadecimal ) as string ) of firsts 4of following texts of positions whose ( it mod 4=0 ) ofit ) ) of ( preceding texts of lasts "0"of ( Values "001f6700"of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of key "HKEY_USERS"of registry as string ) ) as string ) ) ) else ( "No Archive" ) ) else"Outlook < XP installed"else"Outlook not installed" )
concatenation ", "of (ifexists regapp "outlook.exe"thenif version of regapp "outlook.exe"="10"then (if (exists values whose (itas string contains".pst") of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of keys "HKEY_USERS"of registry) then ((pathname ofit & " - " & (size ofit / (1024*1024)) as string & "Mb") of files ((values whose (itas string contains".pst") of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of keys "HKEY_USERS"of registry) as string)) else ("No archive")) elseif version of regapp "outlook.exe" >= "11"then (if (exists (Values "001f6700"of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of key "HKEY_USERS"of registry as string)) then (((pathname ofit & " - " & (size ofit / (1024*1024)) as string & "MB") of files ((hexadecimal strings (concatenation of ((hexadecimal integer (last 2ofit & first 2ofit) as hexadecimal) as string) of firsts 4of following texts of positions whose (it mod 4=0) ofit)) of (preceding texts of lasts "0"of (Values "001f6700"of keys of keys of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"of keys of key "HKEY_USERS"of registry as string)) as string))) else ("No Archive")) else"Outlook < XP installed"else"Outlook not installed")
if ( exists regapp "VProConsole.exe"ANDexists version of regapp "VProConsole.exe" ) then version of regapp "VProConsole.exe"as string else"NOT INSTALLED"
if (exists regapp "VProConsole.exe"ANDexists version of regapp "VProConsole.exe") then version of regapp "VProConsole.exe"as string else"NOT INSTALLED"
ifexists ( folder "dell"of drive of system folder ) then ( ( sum of sizes of descendants of folder "__BESData\__Global\__Cache\Downloads"of parent folder of regapp "Besclient.exe" ) / ( 1024 * 1024 ) ) as string & " mb"else"<none>"
ifexists (folder "dell"of drive of system folder) then ((sum of sizes of descendants of folder "__BESData\__Global\__Cache\Downloads"of parent folder of regapp "Besclient.exe") / (1024 * 1024)) as string & " mb"else"<none>"
( ( ( sum of sizes of files whose ( name ofit ends with".log" ) ofit ) + ( sum of sizes of files whose ( name ofit ends with".log" ) of folder "__BESData\__Global\Logs"ofit ) + ( sum of sizes of files whose ( name ofit ends with"History.db" ) of folder "__BESData\__Global"ofit ) ) of parent folder of regapp "BESClient.exe" ) / ( 1024 * 1024 )
(((sum of sizes of files whose(name ofit ends with".log") ofit) + (sum of sizes of files whose(name ofit ends with".log") of folder "__BESData\__Global\Logs"ofit) + (sum of sizes of files whose(name ofit ends with"History.db") of folder "__BESData\__Global"ofit)) of parent folder of regapp "BESClient.exe") / (1024 * 1024)