( ( itstartswith"linux red hat"ANDit does not contain "enterprise"AND ( following text of last " "ofitstartswith"8"OR following text of last " "ofitstartswith"9" ) ) OR ( itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version < "3" ) ) of ( name of operating system as lowercase )
((itstartswith"linux red hat"ANDit does not contain "enterprise"AND (following text of last " "ofitstartswith"8"OR following text of last " "ofitstartswith"9")) OR (itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version < "3")) of (name of operating system as lowercase)
NOT ( ( version of regapp "iexplore.exe" >= "7" ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry ) AND ( exists folder "macromed\flash"whose ( exists file whose ( ( ( itstartswith"flash"ANDit ends with".ocx" ) OR ( it="swflash.ocx" ) ) of ( name ofitas lowercase ) AND version ofit >= "9" ) ofit ) of system folder ) AND ( exists key ( "HKEY_USERS\" & ( ( ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else ( string value of select ( ( "SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ( ( ifit="."then computer name elseit ) of preceding text of last "\"ofit ) & "'" ) of ( ( login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) as string ) ) of wmi ) ) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\" & ( first match ( regex "^[^:]+" ) of first match ( regex "[^/]+$" ) of ( itas string ) ) of value "Hostname"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Installer\"of registry ) whose ( exists value "http"whose ( it=2 ) ofitANDexists value "https"whose ( it=2 ) ofit ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports"whose ( ( ( exists value "PDFEnable"whose ( it="1" ) ofit ) OR ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose ( exists value ( ( ( ( if x64 of operating system then value "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"ofitelse value "ProgramFilesDir"ofit ) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"of registry ) as string ) & "\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) ofit ) of native registry ) ) AND value "PDFPostScriptPath"ofit= ( ( ( ( if x64 of operating system then value "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"ofitelse value "ProgramFilesDir"ofit ) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"of registry ) as string ) & "\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) AND value "PDFPrinterName"ofit="BES Web Reports Printer" ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"whose ( ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"whose ( exists value "UninstallString"ofit ) of registry ) AND ( ( itcontains parenthesized part 1of ( first match ( regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe" ) of ( value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string ) ) & "gs8.60\bin"ANDitcontains parenthesized part 1of ( first match ( regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe" ) of ( value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string ) ) & "gs8.60\lib" ) of ( value "Path"ofitas string ) ) ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose ( exists value ( ( ( ( if x64 of operating system then value "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"ofitelse value "ProgramFilesDir"ofit ) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"of registry ) as string ) & "\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) ofit ) of native registry ) AND ( exists key ( "HKU\" & ( ( ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else ( string value of select ( ( "SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ( ( ifit="."then computer name elseit ) of preceding text of last "\"ofit ) & "'" ) of ( ( login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) as string ) ) of wmi ) ) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) & "\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup" ) of registry ) )
NOT ((version of regapp "iexplore.exe" >= "7") AND (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry) AND (exists folder "macromed\flash"whose (exists file whose (((itstartswith"flash"ANDit ends with".ocx") OR (it="swflash.ocx")) of (name ofitas lowercase) AND version ofit >= "9") ofit) of system folder) AND (exists key ("HKEY_USERS\" & ((ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else (string value of select (("SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ((ifit="."then computer name elseit) of preceding text of last "\"ofit) & "'") of ((login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) of wmi)) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\" & (first match (regex "^[^:]+") of first match (regex "[^/]+$") of (itas string)) of value "Hostname"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Installer\"of registry) whose (exists value "http"whose (it=2) ofitANDexists value "https"whose (it=2) ofit) of registry) AND (exists key "HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports"whose (((exists value "PDFEnable"whose (it="1") ofit) OR (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose (exists value ((((if x64 of operating system then value "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"ofitelse value "ProgramFilesDir"ofit) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"of registry) as string) & "\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") ofit) of native registry)) AND value "PDFPostScriptPath"ofit= ((((if x64 of operating system then value "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"ofitelse value "ProgramFilesDir"ofit) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"of registry) as string) & "\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") AND value "PDFPrinterName"ofit="BES Web Reports Printer") of registry) AND (exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"whose ((exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"whose (exists value "UninstallString"ofit) of registry) AND ((itcontains parenthesized part 1of (first match (regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe") of (value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string)) & "gs8.60\bin"ANDitcontains parenthesized part 1of (first match (regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe") of (value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string)) & "gs8.60\lib") of (value "Path"ofitas string))) of registry) AND (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose (exists value ((((if x64 of operating system then value "ProgramFilesDir (x86)"ofitelse value "ProgramFilesDir"ofit) of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion"of registry) as string) & "\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") ofit) of native registry) AND (exists key ("HKU\" & ((ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else (string value of select (("SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ((ifit="."then computer name elseit) of preceding text of last "\"ofit) & "'") of ((login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) of wmi)) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") & "\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup") of registry))
( exists file ( ( preceding text of last "/"of ( client folder of current site as string ) ) & "/ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz" ) ) or ( exists file ( ( preceding text of last "/BESClient"of ( client folder of current site as string ) ) & "/ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz" ) ) or ( exists file ( ( preceding text of last "/"of ( client folder of current site as string ) ) & "/__Global/Archive/Last/client_0_ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz" ) ) or ( exists file ( ( preceding text of last "/"of ( client folder of current site as string ) ) & "/__Global/Archive/Last/client_1_ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz" ) )
(exists file ((preceding text of last "/"of (client folder of current site as string)) & "/ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz")) or (exists file ((preceding text of last "/BESClient"of (client folder of current site as string)) & "/ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz")) or (exists file ((preceding text of last "/"of (client folder of current site as string)) & "/__Global/Archive/Last/client_0_ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz")) or (exists file ((preceding text of last "/"of (client folder of current site as string)) & "/__Global/Archive/Last/client_1_ClientDiagnostics_" & computer name & ".tar.gz"))
exists file "/etc/redhat-release"whose ( exists line whose ( exists match ( regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (AS|ES|WS) release 4" ) ofitorexists match ( regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Client|Desktop|Server) release 5" ) ofit ) ofit ) OR ( itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version >= "3"and following text of last " "ofitas version < "6" ) of ( name of operating system as lowercase )
exists file "/etc/redhat-release"whose (exists line whose (exists match (regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (AS|ES|WS) release 4") ofitorexists match (regex "Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Client|Desktop|Server) release 5") ofit) ofit) OR (itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version >= "3"and following text of last " "ofitas version < "6") of (name of operating system as lowercase)
NOT ( ( version of regapp "iexplore.exe" >= "7" ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry ) AND ( exists folder "macromed\flash"whose ( exists file whose ( ( ( itstartswith"flash"ANDit ends with".ocx" ) OR ( it="swflash.ocx" ) ) of ( name ofitas lowercase ) AND version ofit >= "9" ) ofit ) of system folder ) AND ( exists key ( "HKEY_USERS\" & ( ( ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else ( string value of select ( ( "SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ( ( ifit="."then computer name elseit ) of preceding text of last "\"ofit ) & "'" ) of ( ( login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) as string ) ) of wmi ) ) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\" & ( first match ( regex "^[^:]+" ) of first match ( regex "[^/]+$" ) of ( itas string ) ) of value "Hostname"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Installer\"of registry ) whose ( exists value "http"whose ( it=2 ) ofitANDexists value "https"whose ( it=2 ) ofit ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports"whose ( ( ( exists value "PDFEnable"whose ( it="1" ) ofit ) OR ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose ( exists value ( ( ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry ) as string ) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) ofit ) of native registry ) ) AND value "PDFPostScriptPath"ofit= ( ( ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry ) as string ) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) AND value "PDFPrinterName"ofit="BES Web Reports Printer" ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"whose ( ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"whose ( exists value "UninstallString"ofit ) of registry ) AND ( ( itcontains parenthesized part 1of ( first match ( regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe" ) of ( value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string ) ) & "gs8.60\bin"ANDitcontains parenthesized part 1of ( first match ( regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe" ) of ( value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string ) ) & "gs8.60\lib" ) of ( value "Path"ofitas string ) ) ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose ( exists value ( ( ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry ) as string ) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) ofit ) of native registry ) AND ( exists key ( "HKU\" & ( ( ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else ( string value of select ( ( "SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ( ( ifit="."then computer name elseit ) of preceding text of last "\"ofit ) & "'" ) of ( ( login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) as string ) ) of wmi ) ) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) & "\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup" ) of registry ) )
NOT ((version of regapp "iexplore.exe" >= "7") AND (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry) AND (exists folder "macromed\flash"whose (exists file whose (((itstartswith"flash"ANDit ends with".ocx") OR (it="swflash.ocx")) of (name ofitas lowercase) AND version ofit >= "9") ofit) of system folder) AND (exists key ("HKEY_USERS\" & ((ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else (string value of select (("SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ((ifit="."then computer name elseit) of preceding text of last "\"ofit) & "'") of ((login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) of wmi)) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\" & (first match (regex "^[^:]+") of first match (regex "[^/]+$") of (itas string)) of value "Hostname"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Installer\"of registry) whose (exists value "http"whose (it=2) ofitANDexists value "https"whose (it=2) ofit) of registry) AND (exists key "HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports"whose (((exists value "PDFEnable"whose (it="1") ofit) OR (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose (exists value (((value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry) as string) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") ofit) of native registry)) AND value "PDFPostScriptPath"ofit= (((value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry) as string) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") AND value "PDFPrinterName"ofit="BES Web Reports Printer") of registry) AND (exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"whose ((exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"whose (exists value "UninstallString"ofit) of registry) AND ((itcontains parenthesized part 1of (first match (regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe") of (value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string)) & "gs8.60\bin"ANDitcontains parenthesized part 1of (first match (regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe") of (value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string)) & "gs8.60\lib") of (value "Path"ofitas string))) of registry) AND (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose (exists value (((value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry) as string) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") ofit) of native registry) AND (exists key ("HKU\" & ((ifit="LocalSystem"then"S-1-5-18"elseifit="LocalService"then"S-1-5-19"elseifit="NetworkService"then"S-1-5-20"else (string value of select (("SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ((ifit="."then computer name elseit) of preceding text of last "\"ofit) & "'") of ((login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) of wmi)) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") & "\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup") of registry))
( ( version of regapp "iexplore.exe" >= "7" ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry ) AND ( exists folder "macromed\flash"whose ( exists file whose ( ( ( itstartswith"flash"ANDit ends with".ocx" ) OR ( it="swflash.ocx" ) ) of ( name ofitas lowercase ) AND version ofit >= "9" ) ofit ) of system folder ) AND ( exists key ( "HKEY_USERS\" & ( ( if ( it="LocalSystem" ) then ( "S-1-5-18" ) elseif ( it="LocalService" ) then ( "S-1-5-19" ) elseif ( it="NetworkService" ) then ( "S-1-5-20" ) elseif ( itcontains"@" ) then ( component string of sid of security account ( it ) ) else ( string value of select ( ( "SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ( ( ifit="."then computer name elseit ) of preceding text of last "\"ofit ) & "'" ) of ( ( login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) as string ) ) of wmi ) ) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\" & ( first match ( regex "^[^:]+" ) of first match ( regex "[^/]+$" ) of ( itas string ) ) of value "Hostname"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Installer\"of registry ) whose ( exists value "http"whose ( it=2 ) ofitANDexists value "https"whose ( it=2 ) ofit ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports"whose ( ( ( exists value "PDFEnable"whose ( it="1" ) ofit ) OR ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose ( exists value ( ( ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry ) as string ) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) ofit ) of native registry ) ) AND value "PDFPostScriptPath"ofit= ( ( ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry ) as string ) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) AND value "PDFPrinterName"ofit="BES Web Reports Printer" ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"whose ( ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"whose ( exists value "UninstallString"ofit ) of registry ) AND ( ( itcontains parenthesized part 1of ( first match ( regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe" ) of ( value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string ) ) & "gs8.60\bin"ANDitcontains parenthesized part 1of ( first match ( regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe" ) of ( value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string ) ) & "gs8.60\lib" ) of ( value "Path"ofitas string ) ) ) of registry ) AND ( exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose ( exists value ( ( ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry ) as string ) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps" ) ofit ) of native registry ) AND ( exists key ( "HKU\" & ( ( if ( it="LocalSystem" ) then ( "S-1-5-18" ) elseif ( it="LocalService" ) then ( "S-1-5-19" ) elseif ( it="NetworkService" ) then ( "S-1-5-20" ) elseif ( itcontains"@" ) then ( component string of sid of security account ( it ) ) else ( string value of select ( ( "SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ( ( ifit="."then computer name elseit ) of preceding text of last "\"ofit ) & "'" ) of ( ( login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) as string ) ) of wmi ) ) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer" ) & "\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup" ) of registry ) )
((version of regapp "iexplore.exe" >= "7") AND (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry) AND (exists folder "macromed\flash"whose (exists file whose (((itstartswith"flash"ANDit ends with".ocx") OR (it="swflash.ocx")) of (name ofitas lowercase) AND version ofit >= "9") ofit) of system folder) AND (exists key ("HKEY_USERS\" & ((if (it="LocalSystem") then ("S-1-5-18") elseif (it="LocalService") then ("S-1-5-19") elseif (it="NetworkService") then ("S-1-5-20") elseif (itcontains"@") then (component string of sid of security account (it)) else (string value of select (("SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ((ifit="."then computer name elseit) of preceding text of last "\"ofit) & "'") of ((login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) of wmi)) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\" & (first match (regex "^[^:]+") of first match (regex "[^/]+$") of (itas string)) of value "Hostname"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server\Installer\"of registry) whose (exists value "http"whose (it=2) ofitANDexists value "https"whose (it=2) ofit) of registry) AND (exists key "HKLM\Software\BigFix\Enterprise Server\BESReports"whose (((exists value "PDFEnable"whose (it="1") ofit) OR (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose (exists value (((value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry) as string) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") ofit) of native registry)) AND value "PDFPostScriptPath"ofit= (((value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry) as string) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") AND value "PDFPrinterName"ofit="BES Web Reports Printer") of registry) AND (exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"whose ((exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"whose (exists value "UninstallString"ofit) of registry) AND ((itcontains parenthesized part 1of (first match (regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe") of (value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string)) & "gs8.60\bin"ANDitcontains parenthesized part 1of (first match (regex "^(.*)uninstgs.exe") of (value "UninstallString"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\GPL Ghostscript 8.60"of registry as string)) & "gs8.60\lib") of (value "Path"ofitas string))) of registry) AND (exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports"whose (exists value (((value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of x32 registry) as string) & "BESReportsData\ArchiveData\__pdf\out.ps") ofit) of native registry) AND (exists key ("HKU\" & ((if (it="LocalSystem") then ("S-1-5-18") elseif (it="LocalService") then ("S-1-5-19") elseif (it="NetworkService") then ("S-1-5-20") elseif (itcontains"@") then (component string of sid of security account (it)) else (string value of select (("SID from Win32_UserAccount where NAME='" & following text of last "\"ofit & "' and DOMAIN='" & ((ifit="."then computer name elseit) of preceding text of last "\"ofit) & "'") of ((login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) of wmi)) of login account of service "BESWebReportsServer") & "\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup") of registry))
( ( name ofit="WinXP"AND ( it!=""AND last 1ofit > "1" ) of csd version ofit ) OR ( ( name ofit="Win2003"OR name ofit="WinXP-2003" ) AND csd version ofit!="" ) ) of operating system
((name ofit="WinXP"AND (it!=""AND last 1ofit > "1") of csd version ofit) OR ((name ofit="Win2003"OR name ofit="WinXP-2003") AND csd version ofit!="")) of operating system
( ( preceding text of last "."of preceding text of last "."of ( version of client as string ) ) as version ) > ( ( preceding text of last "."of preceding text of last "."of ( version of registration server as string ) ) as version )
((preceding text of last "."of preceding text of last "."of (version of client as string)) as version) > ((preceding text of last "."of preceding text of last "."of (version of registration server as string)) as version)
( ( itstartswith"linux red hat"ANDit does not contain "enterprise"AND ( following text of last " "ofitas version ="8.0"OR following text of last " "ofitas version ="9.0" ) ) OR ( itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version < "3" ) ) of ( name of operating system as lowercase )
((itstartswith"linux red hat"ANDit does not contain "enterprise"AND (following text of last " "ofitas version ="8.0"OR following text of last " "ofitas version ="9.0")) OR (itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version < "3")) of (name of operating system as lowercase)