( exists regapp "besclient.exe" ) AND ( version of client < ""AND ( notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= "" ) )
(exists regapp "besclient.exe") AND (version of client < ""AND (notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= ""))
( exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"whose ( ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version < "6.0"AND ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version >= "5.1"ANDexists value "BESInstalled"ofitAND value "BESInstalled"ofit =1 ) of registry ) OR ( exists regapp "BESConsole.exe"whose ( version ofit < "6.0"AND version ofit >= "5.1" ) )
(exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"whose ((value "Version"ofit) as string as version < "6.0"AND (value "Version"ofit) as string as version >= "5.1"ANDexists value "BESInstalled"ofitAND value "BESInstalled"ofit =1) of registry) OR (exists regapp "BESConsole.exe"whose (version ofit < "6.0"AND version ofit >= "5.1"))
name of operating system ="Win2000"OR name of operating system ="WinXP"OR name of operating system ="Win2003"OR name of operating system ="WinXP-2003"OR ( name of operating system ="WinNT"AND csd version of operating system contains"6" )
name of operating system ="Win2000"OR name of operating system ="WinXP"OR name of operating system ="Win2003"OR name of operating system ="WinXP-2003"OR (name of operating system ="WinNT"AND csd version of operating system contains"6")
exists key whose ( ( value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Suite API"or value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Server API" ) AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version !="" ) of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose ((value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Suite API"or value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Server API") AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version !="") of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose ( ( value "DisplayName"ofit="BES Relay"OR value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Relay" ) AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= "6.0" ) of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose ((value "DisplayName"ofit="BES Relay"OR value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Relay") AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= "6.0") of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
( version of regapp "iexplore.exe" < "5" ) OR ( ( version of regapp "iexplore.exe"="5" ) AND ( first 4of ( value "IE"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector"of registry as string ) < "5.50" ) ) OR ( ( version of regapp "iexplore.exe"="5" ) AND ( first 4of ( value "IE"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector"of registry as string ) ="5.50"AND ( ( notexists value "MinorVersion"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"of registry ) OR ( value "MinorVersion"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"of registry as string as lowercase does not contain "sp2" ) ) ) )
(version of regapp "iexplore.exe" < "5") OR ((version of regapp "iexplore.exe"="5") AND (first 4of (value "IE"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector"of registry as string) < "5.50")) OR ((version of regapp "iexplore.exe"="5") AND (first 4of (value "IE"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version Vector"of registry as string) ="5.50"AND ((notexists value "MinorVersion"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"of registry) OR (value "MinorVersion"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"of registry as string as lowercase does not contain "sp2"))))
( ( itstartswith"linux red hat"ANDit does not contain "enterprise"AND ( following text of last " "ofitas version ="8.0"OR following text of last " "ofitas version ="9.0" ) ) OR ( itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version < "3" ) ) of ( name of operating system as lowercase )
((itstartswith"linux red hat"ANDit does not contain "enterprise"AND (following text of last " "ofitas version ="8.0"OR following text of last " "ofitas version ="9.0")) OR (itstartswith"linux fedora core"AND following text of last " "ofitas version < "3")) of (name of operating system as lowercase)
exists key whose ( value "DisplayName"ofitas string contains"BigFix Enterprise Suite Installation Generator"AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= "6.0" ) of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose (value "DisplayName"ofitas string contains"BigFix Enterprise Suite Installation Generator"AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= "6.0") of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose ( ( value "DisplayName"ofit="BES Relay"OR value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Relay" ) AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= "6.0" ) of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose ((value "DisplayName"ofit="BES Relay"OR value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Relay") AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= "6.0") of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
( exists regapp "besclient.exe" ) AND ( version of client < ""AND version of client >= "6.0"AND ( notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= "" ) )
(exists regapp "besclient.exe") AND (version of client < ""AND version of client >= "6.0"AND (notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= ""))
( exists regapp "besclient.exe" ) AND ( version of client < ""AND ( notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= "" ) )
(exists regapp "besclient.exe") AND (version of client < ""AND (notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= ""))
( exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"whose ( ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version < ""AND ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version >= "6.0"ANDexists value "BESInstalled"ofitAND value "BESInstalled"ofit =1 ) of registry )
(exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"whose ((value "Version"ofit) as string as version < ""AND (value "Version"ofit) as string as version >= "6.0"ANDexists value "BESInstalled"ofitAND value "BESInstalled"ofit =1) of registry)
( exists regapp "besclient.exe" ) AND ( version of client >= ""AND version of client < ""AND version of client !=""AND ( notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= "" ) )
(exists regapp "besclient.exe") AND (version of client >= ""AND version of client < ""AND version of client !=""AND (notexists regapp "besrelay.exe"OR version of regapp "besrelay.exe" >= ""))
exists key whose ( ( value "DisplayName"ofit="BES Relay"OR value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Relay" ) AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version !="" ) of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
exists key whose ((value "DisplayName"ofit="BES Relay"OR value "DisplayName"ofit="BigFix Enterprise Relay") AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version >= ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version < ""AND value "DisplayVersion"ofitas string as version !="") of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of registry
( exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"whose ( ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version >= "6.0"AND ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version < ""AND ( value "Version"ofit ) as string as version !=""ANDexists value "BESInstalled"ofitAND value "BESInstalled"ofit =1 ) of registry )
(exists key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"whose ((value "Version"ofit) as string as version >= "6.0"AND (value "Version"ofit) as string as version < ""AND (value "Version"ofit) as string as version !=""ANDexists value "BESInstalled"ofitAND value "BESInstalled"ofit =1) of registry)