Search Results for: show chrome is installed

Results - 6797 Relevance Statements, 8052 Fixlets, 90 Analyses, 1 Dashboards, and 1 Signatures -- (9126.3452 ms)
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  * Results in a "string"/number
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( name of it | "UnknownName", (it as string) of version of it | "UnknownVersion" ) of packages whose(currently installed of it) of debianpackages
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  * Results in a true/false
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if (exists files "onedrive.exe" of folders "AppData\local\Microsoft\OneDrive" of folders of folder "C:\Users") then "True" else "not installed"
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( unique values of ( it as string ) of values of keys "message" of values of keys whose ( ( name of it as lowercase contains "extname" ) or ( name of it as lowercase ends with "extnname" ) ) of jsons of files "messages.json" of folders whose ( name of it as lowercase contains "en" ) of folders "_locales" of it ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions" of folders "Default" of ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data" of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )
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unique values of (it as string) of (name of it, (values whose (it as string does not contain "__MSG" and it as string is not contained by set of ("Docs";"Sheets";"Slides";"Gmail";"Google Drive";"YouTube")) of keys "name" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/") of it;values whose (it as string is not contained by set of ("Docs";"Sheets";"Slides";"Gmail";"Google Drive";"YouTube")) of keys "message" of values of keys "appName" of jsons whose (exists keys "appName" of it) of files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase contains "en") of folders "_locales" of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/") of it)) of folders of folders ("/Users/")
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unique values of (it as string) of (name of it, (preceding texts of firsts "%22" of following texts of firsts "%22:%22" of substrings separated by "," whose (it contains "%22name%22:") of it,preceding texts of firsts "%22" of following texts of firsts "%22:%22" of substrings separated by "," whose (it contains "user_name") of it) of substrings separated by "avatar_icon" of lines whose (it contains "user_name" and it contains "%22name%22:") of files "Local State" of folders ("AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/")of it) of folders of folder "/Users/"
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if (exists values "CurrentVersion" of keys "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion" of native registry as string as version) then (item 1 of item 1 of (it,("8","SQL SERVER 2000";"9","SQL SERVER 2005";"10.0","SQL Server 2008";"10.50","SQL Server 2008 R2";"11","SQL Server 2012";"12","SQL Server 2014";"13","SQL Server 2016";"14","SQL Server 2017";"15","SQL Server 2019";"16","SQL Server 2022")) whose (item 0 of it as version = item 0 of item 1 of it as version) | ("Unknown Version - " & it as string)) of (value "CurrentVersion" of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion" of native registry as string as version) else "<Not Installed>"
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  * Results in a "string"/number
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if (exists true whose(if true then(exists relay service)else false)) then (if (version of client >= "8.0") then (version of relay service as string) else (version of file ((if (character 0 of it = "%22") then (substring between "%22" of it) else it) of image path of relay service) as string)) else "Not Installed"
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  * Results in a "string"/number
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if (exists true whose(if true then(name of operating system starts with "Win" AND exists regapp "BESConsole.exe")else false)) then version of regapp "BESConsole.exe" as string else "Not Installed"
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  * Results in a "string"/number
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if (exists true whose(if true then(exists main gather service)else false)) then (if (version of client >= "8.0") then (version of main gather service as string) else (version of file ((if (character 0 of it = "%22") then (substring between "%22" of it) else it) of image path of main gather service) as string)) else "Not Installed"
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if (exists true whose(if true then(exists key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\BESAPI\Paths" of registry)else false)) then version of file (value "base" of key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\BigFix\BESAPI\Paths" of registry as string & "BESAPI.dll") as string else "Not Installed"
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  * Results in a "string"/number
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if (exists true whose(if true then(exists service "BESWebReportsServer")else false)) then (if (version of client >= "8.0") then (version of service "BESWebReportsServer" as string) else (version of file ((if (character 0 of it = "%22") then (substring between "%22" of it) else it) of image path of service "BESWebReportsServer") as string)) else "Not Installed"
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if exists relay service then "Yes - " & state of service "BESRelay" else if exists main gather service then "Main BES Server" else "Not Installed"
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if ((it starts with "127." OR it starts with "::") of (name of registration server as string)) then (if ((exists setting"_BESRelay_PostResults_ParentRelayURL" of it AND exists value of setting"_BESRelay_PostResults_ParentRelayURL" of it) of client) then "n/a (BES Relay Installed)" else "n/a (BES Server Installed)") else (name of registration server as string)
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if ((it starts with "127." OR it starts with "::") of (name of registration server as string)) then (if ((exists setting"_BESRelay_PostResults_ParentRelayURL" of it AND exists value of setting"_BESRelay_PostResults_ParentRelayURL" of it) of client) then (preceding text of first "/" of (following text of first "//" of (value of setting "_BESRelay_PostResults_ParentRelayURL" of client as string))) else "n/a (BES Server Installed)") else "n/a (BES Relay Not Installed)"
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  * Results in a "string"/number
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if (exists service "BESRelay") then (if (exists setting "_BESGather_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond" whose (exists value of it) of client) then value of setting "_BESGather_Download_LimitBytesPerSecond" of client else "not set") else "BES Relay Not Installed"
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Uploaded on 2/10/2021 by ArturZ
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