( unique values of ( itas string ) of values of keys "message"of values of keys whose ( ( name ofitas lowercase contains"extname" ) or ( name ofitas lowercase ends with"extnname" ) ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders "Default"of ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )
( unique values of ( itas string ) of values of keys "message"of values of keys whose ( ( name ofitas lowercase contains"extname" ) or ( name ofitas lowercase ends with"extnname" ) ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders "Default"of ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, ( values whose ( itas string does not contain "__MSG"anditas string is not contained by set of ( "Docs";"Sheets";"Slides";"Gmail";"Google Drive";"YouTube" ) ) of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of folders of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/" ) of it;values whose ( itas string is not contained by set of ( "Docs";"Sheets";"Slides";"Gmail";"Google Drive";"YouTube" ) ) of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose ( exists keys "appName"ofit ) of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"of folders of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/" ) ofit ) ) of folders of folders ( "/Users/" )
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, (values whose (itas string does not contain "__MSG"anditas string is not contained by set of ("Docs";"Sheets";"Slides";"Gmail";"Google Drive";"YouTube")) of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/") of it;values whose (itas string is not contained by set of ("Docs";"Sheets";"Slides";"Gmail";"Google Drive";"YouTube")) of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose (exists keys "appName"ofit) of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase contains"en") of folders "_locales"of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/") ofit)) of folders of folders ("/Users/")
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, values of keys "name"of values of keys "defaultLocale"of elements whose ( value of key "location"ofitas string is not contained by set of ( "app-builtin";"app-system-defaults";"app-system-addons" ) and value of key "type"ofitas string is "extension" ) of values of keys "addons"of jsons of files "extensions.json"of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\";"/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/" ) ofit ) of folders of folders "/Users/"
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, values of keys "name"of values of keys "defaultLocale"of elements whose (value of key "location"ofitas string is not contained by set of ("app-builtin";"app-system-defaults";"app-system-addons") and value of key "type"ofitas string is "extension") of values of keys "addons"of jsons of files "extensions.json"of folders of folders ("\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\";"/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/") ofit) of folders of folders "/Users/"
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, keys of entries of dictionaries of files "Extensions.plist"of folders ( "/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari/WebExtensions/";"/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari/AppExtensions/" ) ofit ) of ( folders of folders "/Users/" )
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, keys of entries of dictionaries of files "Extensions.plist"of folders ("/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari/WebExtensions/";"/Library/Containers/com.apple.Safari/Data/Library/Safari/AppExtensions/") ofit) of (folders of folders "/Users/")
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, ( values whose ( itas string does not contain "__MSG"anditas string is not"Edge relevant text changes" ) of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of folders of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\" ) of it;values of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose ( exists keys "appName"ofit ) of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"of folders of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\" ) ofit ) ) of folders of folders ( "/Users/" )
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, (values whose (itas string does not contain "__MSG"anditas string is not"Edge relevant text changes") of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\") of it;values of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose (exists keys "appName"ofit) of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase contains"en") of folders "_locales"of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\") ofit)) of folders of folders ("/Users/")
if ( windows of operating system ) then ( exists file "helper.exe"of folders "\AppData\Local\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall"of folders of folders "C:\Users\" ) else ( exists regapp whose ( name ofit is "Firefox.app"and pathname ofit is not"/Applications/Firefox.app" ) )
if (windows of operating system) then (exists file "helper.exe"of folders "\AppData\Local\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall"of folders of folders "C:\Users\") else (exists regapp whose (name ofit is "Firefox.app"and pathname ofit is not"/Applications/Firefox.app"))
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, ( preceding texts of firsts "%22"of following texts of firsts "%22:%22"of substrings separated by ","whose ( itcontains"%22name%22:" ) of it,preceding texts of firsts "%22"of following texts of firsts "%22:%22"of substrings separated by ","whose ( itcontains"user_name" ) ofit ) of substrings separated by "avatar_icon"of lines whose ( itcontains"user_name"anditcontains"%22name%22:" ) of files "Local State"of folders ( "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/" ) ofit ) of folders of folder "/Users/"
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, (preceding texts of firsts "%22"of following texts of firsts "%22:%22"of substrings separated by ","whose (itcontains"%22name%22:") of it,preceding texts of firsts "%22"of following texts of firsts "%22:%22"of substrings separated by ","whose (itcontains"user_name") ofit) of substrings separated by "avatar_icon"of lines whose (itcontains"user_name"anditcontains"%22name%22:") of files "Local State"of folders ("AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\";"/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/")ofit) of folders of folder "/Users/"
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, ( preceding texts of firsts "%22"of following texts of firsts "%22:%22"of substrings separated by ","whose ( itcontains"email" ) ofit ) of lines whose ( itcontains"email"anditcontains"accountData" ) of files "signedInUser.json"of folders of folders ( "AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\";"/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles" ) ofit ) of folders of folder "/Users/"
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, (preceding texts of firsts "%22"of following texts of firsts "%22:%22"of substrings separated by ","whose (itcontains"email") ofit) of lines whose (itcontains"email"anditcontains"accountData") of files "signedInUser.json"of folders of folders ("AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\";"/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles")ofit) of folders of folder "/Users/"
unique values of ( itas string ) of ( name of it, ( values whose ( itas string does not contain "__MSG"anditas string is not"Edge relevant text changes" ) of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of folders of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/Default/Extensions" ) of it;values of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose ( exists keys "appName"ofit ) of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"of folders of folders of folders ( "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/Default/Extensions" ) ofit ) ) of folders of folders ( "/Users/" )
unique values of (itas string) of (name of it, (values whose (itas string does not contain "__MSG"anditas string is not"Edge relevant text changes") of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/Default/Extensions") of it;values of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose (exists keys "appName"ofit) of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase contains"en") of folders "_locales"of folders of folders of folders ("\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data\Default\Extensions\";"/Library/Application Support/Microsoft Edge/Default/Extensions") ofit)) of folders of folders ("/Users/")