( mac of operating system ) and ( version of operating system >= "10.6" ) and ( ifexists property "in proxy agent context"then ( not in proxy agent context ) elsetrue ) and ( free space of filesystem of folder ( pathname of client ) > 67878156 * 2 ) and ( exists version whose ( it < "64.0.3282.140" ) of application "Google Chrome.app" )
(mac of operating system) and (version of operating system >= "10.6") and (ifexists property "in proxy agent context"then ( not in proxy agent context ) elsetrue) and (free space of filesystem of folder (pathname of client) > 67878156 * 2) and (exists version whose (it < "64.0.3282.140") of application "Google Chrome.app")
( mac of operating system ) and ( version of operating system >= "10.6" ) and ( ifexists property "in proxy agent context"then ( not in proxy agent context ) elsetrue ) and ( free space of filesystem of folder ( pathname of client ) > 67879216 * 2 ) and ( exists version whose ( it < "64.0.3282.167" ) of application "Google Chrome.app" )
(mac of operating system) and (version of operating system >= "10.6") and (ifexists property "in proxy agent context"then ( not in proxy agent context ) elsetrue) and (free space of filesystem of folder (pathname of client) > 67879216 * 2) and (exists version whose (it < "64.0.3282.167") of application "Google Chrome.app")
( mac of operating system ) and ( version of operating system >= "10.6" ) and ( ifexists property "in proxy agent context"then ( not in proxy agent context ) elsetrue ) and ( free space of filesystem of folder ( pathname of client ) > 67882078 * 2 ) and ( exists version whose ( it < "64.0.3282.186" ) of application "Google Chrome.app" )
(mac of operating system) and (version of operating system >= "10.6") and (ifexists property "in proxy agent context"then ( not in proxy agent context ) elsetrue) and (free space of filesystem of folder (pathname of client) > 67882078 * 2) and (exists version whose (it < "64.0.3282.186") of application "Google Chrome.app")
( if ( it ) then"PASS"else"FAIL - no 64GB fixed drive" ) of ( exists drive whose ( type ofit="DRIVE_FIXED"and ( total space of it/ ( 1024*1024*1024 ) ) >=64 ) )
(if (it) then"PASS"else"FAIL - no 64GB fixed drive") of ( exists drive whose (type ofit="DRIVE_FIXED"and (total space of it/(1024*1024*1024)) >=64 ))
( if ( it >= 4096 ) then"PASS"else"FAIL - Current memory in MB: " & ( itas string ) ) of ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram /1048576 )
(if (it >= 4096) then"PASS"else"FAIL - Current memory in MB: " & (itas string)) of (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram /1048576)
( item 0ofit & item 1ofit ) of ( "Y::site=" & name of site ofit & "::fixletid=" & id ofitas string & "::url=",
item 0 of it & "::size=" & item 1ofit & "::hash=" & item 2ofit & "::hashtype=sha256" ) whose ( length ofit > 64ANDitas uppercase does not contain "_CACHING_REQUIRED" ) of ( parenthesized parts 3of it, parenthesized parts 2of it, parenthesized parts 4ofit ) of matches ( regex "(prefetch \S+ sha1:\S{40} size:(\d+) (https*:\/\/\S+) sha256:(\S{64})|\s*add prefetch item name=\S+ sha1=\S{40} size=(\d+) url=(https*:\/\/\S+) sha256=(\S{64}))" ) of scripts of actions ofit ) of bes fixlets whose ( not custom flag ofitAND download size ofit!=0AND now - modification time ofit < 90 * day ANDexists applicable computers ofitANDexists scripts whose ( itas lowercase contains"prefetch" ) of actions ofit )
(item 0ofit & item 1ofit) of ("Y::site=" & name of site ofit & "::fixletid=" & id ofitas string & "::url=", (item 0 of it & "::size=" & item 1ofit & "::hash=" & item 2ofit & "::hashtype=sha256") whose(length ofit > 64ANDitas uppercase does not contain "_CACHING_REQUIRED") of (parenthesized parts 3of it, parenthesized parts 2of it, parenthesized parts 4ofit) of matches (regex "(prefetch \S+ sha1:\S{40} size:(\d+) (https*:\/\/\S+) sha256:(\S{64})|\s*add prefetch item name=\S+ sha1=\S{40} size=(\d+) url=(https*:\/\/\S+) sha256=(\S{64}))") of scripts of actions ofit) of bes fixlets whose(not custom flag ofitAND download size ofit!=0AND now - modification time ofit < 90 * day ANDexists applicable computers ofitANDexists scripts whose(itas lowercase contains"prefetch") of actions ofit)
( exists file whose ( name ofit="BESWoLMedic.exe"and version ofit < "" ) of folder "BESWoLMedic"ofit ) of folder "Applications"of folder ( value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of registry as string )
(exists file whose (name ofit="BESWoLMedic.exe"and version ofit < "") of folder "BESWoLMedic"ofit) of folder "Applications"of folder (value "EnterpriseServerFolder"of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server"of registry as string)
( maximum seat count of client license >= 250and maximum seat count of client license < 1000and ( speed of main processor < 1400 * mhz or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 256 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 1000and maximum seat count of client license < 5000and ( speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 512 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 5000and maximum seat count of client license < 10000and ( speed of main processor < 1800 * mhz or number of processors < 2or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 512 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 10000and maximum seat count of client license < 25000and ( speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or number of processors < 2or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 1024 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 25000and maximum seat count of client license < 50000and ( speed of main processor < 2400 * mhz or number of processors < 2or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 2048 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 50000and maximum seat count of client license < 75000and ( speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or number of processors < 4or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 2048 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 75000and maximum seat count of client license < 125000and ( speed of main processor < 2400 * mhz or number of processors < 4or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 4096 ) ) OR ( maximum seat count of client license >= 125000and ( speed of main processor < 3000 * mhz or number of processors < 8or ( if ( it > 128 ) then ( ( ( it / 32 ) * 32 ) + ( if ( it mod 32 > 16 ) then32else0 ) ) elseit ) of ( size of ram / ( 1024*1024 ) ) < 8192 ) )
(maximum seat count of client license >= 250and maximum seat count of client license < 1000and (speed of main processor < 1400 * mhz or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 256)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 1000and maximum seat count of client license < 5000and (speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 512)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 5000and maximum seat count of client license < 10000and (speed of main processor < 1800 * mhz or number of processors < 2or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 512)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 10000and maximum seat count of client license < 25000and (speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or number of processors < 2or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 1024)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 25000and maximum seat count of client license < 50000and (speed of main processor < 2400 * mhz or number of processors < 2or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 2048)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 50000and maximum seat count of client license < 75000and (speed of main processor < 2000 * mhz or number of processors < 4or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 2048)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 75000and maximum seat count of client license < 125000and (speed of main processor < 2400 * mhz or number of processors < 4or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 4096)) OR (maximum seat count of client license >= 125000and (speed of main processor < 3000 * mhz or number of processors < 8or (if (it > 128) then ( ((it / 32) * 32) + (if (it mod 32 > 16) then32else0) ) elseit) of (size of ram / (1024*1024)) < 8192))