( name ofit & ( if ( account disabled flag ofit=TRUE ) then" - Disabled"else" - Enabled" ) & ( if ( password expiration disabled flag ofit=TRUE ) then" No Password expiration"else"" ) ) of local users
(name ofit & (if (account disabled flag ofit=TRUE) then" - Disabled"else" - Enabled") & (if (password expiration disabled flag ofit=TRUE) then" No Password expiration"else"")) of local users
if ( exists key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"whose ( value "ProxyEnable"ofitas integer =1 ) of current user keys ( logged on users ) of registry ) then"Manual Proxy Enabled"else"Automatically Detect"
if (exists key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"whose (value "ProxyEnable"ofitas integer =1) of current user keys (logged on users) of registry) then"Manual Proxy Enabled"else"Automatically Detect"
if ( exists key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"whose ( exists value "ProxyServer"ofit ) of current user keys ( logged on users ) of registry ) then ( values "ProxyServer"of key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"of current user keys ( logged on users ) of registry as string ) else ( "not configured" )
if (exists key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"whose (exists value "ProxyServer"ofit) of current user keys (logged on users) of registry) then (values "ProxyServer"of key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings"of current user keys (logged on users) of registry as string) else ("not configured")
( ( ( if ( ( value of keys "name"ofit ) as string ) contains"__MSG_"then ( values of keys "message"of values of keys ( ( parenthesized part 1of ( matches ( regex "__msg_(.*)__" ) of ( itas string as lowercase ) of values ofit ) ) of keys "name"ofit ) ofit ) else ( values of keys "name"ofit ) ) of jsons of ( concatenation ""of ( preceding text of last "}"of ( jsons of concatenations "%22__MSG_messages_name__%22"of substrings separated by "%22__MSG_name__%22"of ( itas string ) of jsons of files "manifest.json"ofitas string ) ; ( if ( exists files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en_us" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) then ( ","&following text of first "{"of ( jsons of concatenations "%22messages_name%22"of substrings separated by "%22name%22"of ( itas string ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en_us" ) of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase ) ) else ( if ( exists files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) then ( ","&following text of first "{"of ( jsons of concatenations "%22messages_name%22"of substrings separated by "%22name%22"of ( itas string ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en" ) of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase ) ) else ( "}" ) ) ) ) ) , ( if ( ( value of keys "description"ofit ) as string ) contains"__MSG_"then ( values of keys "message"of values of keys ( ( parenthesized part 1of ( matches ( regex "__msg_(.*)__" ) of ( itas string as lowercase ) of values ofit ) ) of keys "description"ofit ) ofit ) else ( values of keys "description"ofit ) ) of jsons of ( concatenation ""of ( preceding text of last "}"of ( jsons of concatenations "%22__MSG_messages_desc__%22"of substrings separated by "%22__MSG_description__%22"of ( itas string ) of jsons of files "manifest.json"ofitas string ) ; ( if ( exists files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en_us" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) then ( ","&following text of first "{"of ( jsons of concatenations "%22messages_desc%22"of substrings separated by "%22description%22"of ( itas string ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en_us" ) of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase ) ) else ( if ( exists files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) then ( ","&following text of first "{"of ( jsons of concatenations "%22messages_desc%22"of substrings separated by "%22description%22"of ( itas string ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase is "en" ) of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase ) ) else ( "}" ) ) ) ) ) ,pathnames ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders of ( ( folders "google-chrome"of folders of folders "/home" ) ; ( folders "Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome"of folders of folders "/Users" ) ; ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings" ) ) ; ( folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings" ) ) ; ( folders "AppData\Roaming\Opera Software"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings" ) ) ) )
(((if ((value of keys "name"ofit) as string) contains"__MSG_"then (values of keys "message"of values of keys ((parenthesized part 1of (matches (regex "__msg_(.*)__") of (itas string as lowercase) of values ofit)) of keys "name"ofit) ofit) else (values of keys "name"ofit)) of jsons of (concatenation ""of (preceding text of last "}"of (jsons of concatenations "%22__MSG_messages_name__%22"of substrings separated by "%22__MSG_name__%22"of (itas string) of jsons of files "manifest.json"ofitas string);(if (exists files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales"ofit) then (","&following text of first "{"of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_name%22"of substrings separated by "%22name%22"of (itas string) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase)) else (if (exists files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales"ofit) then (","&following text of first "{"of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_name%22"of substrings separated by "%22name%22"of (itas string) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase)) else ("}"))))),(if ((value of keys "description"ofit) as string) contains"__MSG_"then (values of keys "message"of values of keys ((parenthesized part 1of (matches (regex "__msg_(.*)__") of (itas string as lowercase) of values ofit)) of keys "description"ofit) ofit) else (values of keys "description"ofit)) of jsons of (concatenation ""of (preceding text of last "}"of (jsons of concatenations "%22__MSG_messages_desc__%22"of substrings separated by "%22__MSG_description__%22"of (itas string) of jsons of files "manifest.json"ofitas string);(if (exists files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales"ofit) then (","&following text of first "{"of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_desc%22"of substrings separated by "%22description%22"of (itas string) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase)) else (if (exists files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales"ofit) then (","&following text of first "{"of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_desc%22"of substrings separated by "%22description%22"of (itas string) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose (name ofitas lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales"ofitas string as lowercase)) else ("}"))))),pathnames ofit) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders of ((folders "google-chrome"of folders of folders "/home") ; (folders "Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome"of folders of folders "/Users") ; (folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"of folders of folders ("C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings")) ; (folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data"of folders of folders ("C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings")) ; (folders "AppData\Roaming\Opera Software"of folders of folders ("C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings"))))
unique values of ( lasts ( length ofit - 1 ) of preceding texts of firsts "%00"of following texts of firsts "%00ts/"ofit ) of lines of files "/var/log/wtmp"of encodings "Windows-1252"
unique values of ( lasts (length ofit - 1) of preceding texts of firsts "%00"of following texts of firsts "%00ts/"ofit) of lines of files "/var/log/wtmp"of encodings "Windows-1252"
( multiplicity of it, it ) of unique values of parenthesized parts of first matches ( regex "\W(.+)\W" ) of substrings separated by "ssh:notty"of concatenations of lines of files "/var/log/btmp"of encodings "Windows-1252"
(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of parenthesized parts of first matches (regex "\W(.+)\W") of substrings separated by "ssh:notty"of concatenations of lines of files "/var/log/btmp"of encodings "Windows-1252"
pathnames of files "SiteMap.js"whose ( modification time ofit= maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js"of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users"
pathnames of files "SiteMap.js"whose( modification time ofit= maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js"of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users"
( preceding texts of firsts " "of following texts of lasts "%09"of it, preceding texts of firsts "'"of following texts of firsts "'"ofit ) of lines containing " : '"whose ( itstartswith"%09"AND ( itas lowercase contains"patches"ORitas lowercase contains"updates" ) ) of files "SiteMap.js"whose ( modification time ofit= maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js"of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users"
(preceding texts of firsts " "of following texts of lasts "%09"of it, preceding texts of firsts "'"of following texts of firsts "'"ofit) of lines containing " : '"whose(itstartswith"%09"AND (itas lowercase contains"patches"ORitas lowercase contains"updates") ) of files "SiteMap.js"whose( modification time ofit= maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js"of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users"
( "%22should%22: [ " & it & " ] " ) of concatenations ", "of ( "{ %22match_phrase%22: { %22site.keyword%22: %22/cgi-bin/bfgather/" & it & "%22 } }" ) of items 0of ( preceding texts of firsts " "of following texts of lasts "%09"of it, preceding texts of firsts "'"of following texts of firsts "'"ofit ) of lines containing " : '"whose ( itstartswith"%09"AND ( itas lowercase contains"patches"ORitas lowercase contains"updates" ) ) of files "SiteMap.js"whose ( modification time ofit= maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js"of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users"
("%22should%22: [ " & it & " ] ") of concatenations ", "of ("{ %22match_phrase%22: { %22site.keyword%22: %22/cgi-bin/bfgather/" & it & "%22 } }") of items 0of (preceding texts of firsts " "of following texts of lasts "%09"of it, preceding texts of firsts "'"of following texts of firsts "'"ofit) of lines containing " : '"whose(itstartswith"%09"AND (itas lowercase contains"patches"ORitas lowercase contains"updates") ) of files "SiteMap.js"whose( modification time ofit= maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js"of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support"of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console"of folders of folders "C:\Users"
( exists value "DisplayName"whose ( itas string as lowercase contains"zoom" ) of keys ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ZoomUMX";"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" ) of ( x64 registries; x32 registries ) ) OR ( exists logged on user ANDexists file whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"installer.exe" ) of folder ( "C:\Users\" & ( name of logged on user ) & "\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\uninstall" ) )
(exists value "DisplayName"whose (itas string as lowercase contains"zoom") of keys ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ZoomUMX";"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") of (x64 registries; x32 registries)) OR (exists logged on user ANDexists file whose (name ofitas lowercase contains"installer.exe") of folder ("C:\Users\" & (name of logged on user) & "\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\uninstall"))
( preceding texts of first ".plist"of names ofit ) of files whose ( exist array "authentication_authority"whose ( exists strings ofitwhose ( string ofit=";SecureToken;" ) of values ofit ) of dictionary ofit ) of folder "/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users"
(preceding texts of first ".plist"of names ofit) of files whose (exist array "authentication_authority"whose (exists strings ofitwhose (string ofit=";SecureToken;") of values ofit) of dictionary ofit) of folder "/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users"
exists files "config/SAM"whose ( exists entries whose ( account name of trustee ofit="Users"and generic read permission ofitandnot deny type ofit ) of dacls of security descriptors ofit ) of native system folder
exists files "config/SAM"whose (exists entries whose (account name of trustee ofit="Users"and generic read permission ofitandnot deny type ofit) of dacls of security descriptors ofit) of native system folder
notexists ( itas string as version ) whose ( it >= "0.6.0" ) of values "DisplayVersion"of keys whose ( value "DisplayName"ofitas string startswith"Rancher Desktop" ) of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of ( user key of current user )
notexists (itas string as version) whose(it >= "0.6.0") of values "DisplayVersion"of keys whose(value "DisplayName"ofitas string startswith"Rancher Desktop") of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"of (user key of current user)
number of files "NTUSER.DAT"of folders whose ( name ofit does not start with"Default"and name ofit!="Public"and name ofit!="All Users"and name ofit does not start with"adm" ) of folder "Users"of drive of system folder
number of files "NTUSER.DAT"of folders whose (name ofit does not start with"Default"and name ofit!="Public"and name ofit!="All Users"and name ofit does not start with"adm") of folder "Users"of drive of system folder
( name of it, modification time of files "NTUSER.dat"ofit ) of folders whose ( name ofit does not start with"Default"and name ofit!="Public"and name ofit!="All Users"andexists files "NTUSER.DAT"whose ( modification time ofit >= now - 30*day ) ofit ) of folder "Users"of drive of system folder
(name of it, modification time of files "NTUSER.dat"ofit) of folders whose (name ofit does not start with"Default"and name ofit!="Public"and name ofit!="All Users"andexists files "NTUSER.DAT"whose (modification time ofit >= now - 30*day) ofit) of folder "Users"of drive of system folder
( name of it, modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofit ) of folders whose ( exist folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofitand modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofit >= ( now - 30*day ) ) of folders "c:\users"
( name of it, modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofit ) of folders whose ( exist folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofitand modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofit >= (now - 30*day) ) of folders "c:\users"
number of folders whose ( exist folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofitand modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofit >= ( now - 30*day ) ) of folders "c:\users"
number of folders whose ( exist folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofitand modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp"ofit >= (now - 30*day) ) of folders "c:\users"
( unique values whose ( it does not contain "_MSG" ) of ( itas string ) of values of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of it; unique values of ( itas string ) of values of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose ( exists keys "appName"ofit ) of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders "Default"of ( folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )
( unique values whose ( it does not contain "_MSG" ) of ( itas string ) of values of keys "name"of jsons of files "manifest.json"of it; unique values of ( itas string ) of values of keys "message"of values of keys "appName"of jsons whose ( exists keys "appName"ofit ) of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders "Default"of ( folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users") )
( unique values of ( itas string ) of values of keys "message"of values of keys whose ( ( name ofitas lowercase contains"extname" ) or ( name ofitas lowercase ends with"extnname" ) ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders "Default"of ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )
( unique values of ( itas string ) of values of keys "message"of values of keys whose ( ( name ofitas lowercase contains"extname" ) or ( name ofitas lowercase ends with"extnname" ) ) of jsons of files "messages.json"of folders whose ( name ofitas lowercase contains"en" ) of folders "_locales"ofit ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions"of folders "Default"of ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )