Search Results for: create user

Results - 594 Relevance Statements, 1719 Fixlets, 55 Analyses, 0 Dashboards, and 2 Signatures -- (1611.4779 ms)
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Current User Info - Win/Mac (Relevance 3022849)
  * Results in a "string"/number
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unique values of (it as string) of (ids of users of it, names of it, session ids of it, ttys of it) of (current users; logged on users)
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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(name of it & (if (account disabled flag of it = TRUE) then " - Disabled" else " - Enabled") & (if (password expiration disabled flag of it = TRUE) then " No Password expiration" else "")) of local users
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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(name of it & " - " & password age of it as string) of local users
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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if (exists key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" whose (value "ProxyEnable" of it as integer = 1) of current user keys (logged on users) of registry) then "Manual Proxy Enabled" else "Automatically Detect"
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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if (exists key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" whose (exists value "ProxyServer" of it) of current user keys (logged on users) of registry) then (values "ProxyServer" of key "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" of current user keys (logged on users) of registry as string) else ("not configured")
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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members of local group "Remote Desktop Users"
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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(((if ((value of keys "name" of it) as string) contains "__MSG_" then (values of keys "message" of values of keys ((parenthesized part 1 of (matches (regex "__msg_(.*)__") of (it as string as lowercase) of values of it)) of keys "name" of it) of it) else (values of keys "name" of it)) of jsons of (concatenation "" of (preceding text of last "}" of (jsons of concatenations "%22__MSG_messages_name__%22" of substrings separated by "%22__MSG_name__%22" of (it as string) of jsons of files "manifest.json" of it as string);(if (exists files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales" of it) then (","&following text of first "{" of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_name%22" of substrings separated by "%22name%22" of (it as string) of jsons of files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales" of it as string as lowercase)) else (if (exists files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales" of it) then (","&following text of first "{" of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_name%22" of substrings separated by "%22name%22" of (it as string) of jsons of files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales" of it as string as lowercase)) else ("}"))))),(if ((value of keys "description" of it) as string) contains "__MSG_" then (values of keys "message" of values of keys ((parenthesized part 1 of (matches (regex "__msg_(.*)__") of (it as string as lowercase) of values of it)) of keys "description" of it) of it) else (values of keys "description" of it)) of jsons of (concatenation "" of (preceding text of last "}" of (jsons of concatenations "%22__MSG_messages_desc__%22" of substrings separated by "%22__MSG_description__%22" of (it as string) of jsons of files "manifest.json" of it as string);(if (exists files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales" of it) then (","&following text of first "{" of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_desc%22" of substrings separated by "%22description%22" of (it as string) of jsons of files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en_us") of folders "_locales" of it as string as lowercase)) else (if (exists files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales" of it) then (","&following text of first "{" of (jsons of concatenations "%22messages_desc%22" of substrings separated by "%22description%22" of (it as string) of jsons of files "messages.json" of folders whose (name of it as lowercase is "en") of folders "_locales" of it as string as lowercase)) else ("}"))))),pathnames of it) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions" of folders of ((folders "google-chrome" of folders of folders "/home") ; (folders "Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome" of folders of folders "/Users") ; (folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data" of folders of folders ("C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings")) ; (folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" of folders of folders ("C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings")) ; (folders "AppData\Roaming\Opera Software" of folders of folders ("C:\Users"; "C:\Documents and Settings"))))
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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unique values of ( lasts (length of it - 1) of preceding texts of firsts "%00" of following texts of firsts "%00ts/" of it) of lines of files "/var/log/wtmp" of encodings "Windows-1252"
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of parenthesized parts of first matches (regex "\W(.+)\W") of substrings separated by "ssh:notty" of concatenations of lines of files "/var/log/btmp" of encodings "Windows-1252"
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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pathnames of files "SiteMap.js" whose( modification time of it = maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js" of folders "Sites\BES Support" of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console" of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support" of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console" of folders of folders "C:\Users"
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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(preceding texts of firsts " " of following texts of lasts "%09" of it, preceding texts of firsts "'" of following texts of firsts "'" of it) of lines containing " : '" whose(it starts with "%09" AND (it as lowercase contains "patches" OR it as lowercase contains "updates") ) of files "SiteMap.js" whose( modification time of it = maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js" of folders "Sites\BES Support" of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console" of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support" of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console" of folders of folders "C:\Users"
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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("%22should%22: [ " & it & " ] ") of concatenations ", " of ("{ %22match_phrase%22: { %22site.keyword%22: %22/cgi-bin/bfgather/" & it & "%22 } }") of items 0 of (preceding texts of firsts " " of following texts of lasts "%09" of it, preceding texts of firsts "'" of following texts of firsts "'" of it) of lines containing " : '" whose(it starts with "%09" AND (it as lowercase contains "patches" OR it as lowercase contains "updates") ) of files "SiteMap.js" whose( modification time of it = maximum of modification times of files "SiteMap.js" of folders "Sites\BES Support" of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console" of folders of folders "C:\Users" ) of folders "Sites\BES Support" of folders of folders of folders "AppData\Local\BigFix\Enterprise Console" of folders of folders "C:\Users"
0 Votes
Used in 1 fixlet   * Results in a true/false
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(exists value "DisplayName" whose (it as string as lowercase contains "zoom") of keys ( "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ZoomUMX";"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall") of (x64 registries; x32 registries)) OR (exists logged on user AND exists file whose (name of it as lowercase contains "installer.exe") of folder ("C:\Users\" & (name of logged on user) & "\AppData\Roaming\Zoom\uninstall"))
0 Votes
  * Results in a "string"/number
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( (user mask of it | 0 * 100) + (group mask of it | 0 * 10) + (other mask of it | 0) ) of folders "/tmp"
0 Votes
secureToken Users (Relevance 3023209)
  * Results in a "string"/number
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(preceding texts of first ".plist" of names of it) of files whose (exist array "authentication_authority" whose (exists strings of it whose (string of it = ";SecureToken;") of values of it) of dictionary of it) of folder "/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users"
0 Votes
Used in 2 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
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exists files "config/SAM" whose (exists entries whose (account name of trustee of it = "Users" and generic read permission of it and not deny type of it) of dacls of security descriptors of it) of native system folder
0 Votes
Used in 2 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
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not exists (it as string as version) whose(it >= "0.6.0") of values "DisplayVersion" of keys whose(value "DisplayName" of it as string starts with "Rancher Desktop") of keys "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" of (user key of current user)
0 Votes
Used in 2 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
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1 = number of unique values of names of (logged on users;current users)
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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number of files "NTUSER.DAT" of folders whose (name of it does not start with "Default" and name of it != "Public" and name of it != "All Users" and name of it does not start with "adm") of folder "Users" of drive of system folder
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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(name of it, modification time of files "NTUSER.dat" of it) of folders whose (name of it does not start with "Default" and name of it != "Public" and name of it != "All Users" and exists files "NTUSER.DAT" whose (modification time of it >= now - 30*day) of it) of folder "Users" of drive of system folder
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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( name of it, modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp" of it ) of folders whose ( exist folder "AppData\Local\Temp" of it and modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp" of it >= (now - 30*day) ) of folders "c:\users"
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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number of folders whose ( exist folder "AppData\Local\Temp" of it and modification time of folder "AppData\Local\Temp" of it >= (now - 30*day) ) of folders "c:\users"
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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if (exists files "onedrive.exe" of folders "AppData\local\Microsoft\OneDrive" of folders of folder "C:\Users") then "True" else "not installed"
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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( unique values whose ( it does not contain "_MSG" ) of ( it as string ) of values of keys "name" of jsons of files "manifest.json" of it; unique values of ( it as string ) of values of keys "message" of values of keys "appName" of jsons whose ( exists keys "appName" of it ) of files "messages.json" of folders whose ( name of it as lowercase contains "en" ) of folders "_locales" of it ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions" of folders "Default" of ( folders "AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data" of folders of folders ( "C:\Users") )
0 Votes
  * Results in a true/false
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( unique values of ( it as string ) of values of keys "message" of values of keys whose ( ( name of it as lowercase contains "extname" ) or ( name of it as lowercase ends with "extnname" ) ) of jsons of files "messages.json" of folders whose ( name of it as lowercase contains "en" ) of folders "_locales" of it ) of folders of folders of folders "Extensions" of folders "Default" of ( folders "AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data" of folders of folders ( "C:\Users" ) )
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