BigFix Inventory SignaturesBigFix Inventory Signatures

Struts2 Core Jar, 0.ANY RELEASE
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Apache Struts2 Core Jar See Publisher Name: (SECURITY) Component Name: Struts2 Core Jar Component Version: 0.ANY RELEASE This signature will detected any file matching pattern: struts2-core*.jar that exists in scanned location by BigFix Inventory. Use the "Details" of the detection to get the information about path where file has been found and it's full name

Property Details

Product NameStruts2 Core Jar
Software Release0.ANY RELEASE
Keywordsapache struts2 core jar
Software UniqueId2da93600-9871-11e7-8040-0050560082fd
Uploaded by on 9/13/2017 5:29:10 AM
Last modified by on 9/13/2017 5:36:31 AM
Counters 39 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.

Signature Content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SoftwareIdentityCatalog exportTimeStamp="2017-09-13T12:23:31Z">
  <Software name="Struts2 Core Jar" vendor="(SECURITY)" uniqueId="2da93600-9871-11e7-8040-0050560082fd" version="0.ANY RELEASE">
    <Signature uniqueId="2d004bd0-9871-11e7-8040-0050560082fd" modified="2017-09-13T10:49:11Z" created="2017-09-13T10:49:11Z">
      <ExtendedSignature><![CDATA[<MultipleInstance><Iterator name="INSTALL_PATH"><FindFilePathEx appendFileName="true" name="struts2-core*.jar"/></Iterator><Instance><Variable export="true" name="IS_INSTALLED"><FileExists absolutePath="$(INSTALL_PATH)"/></Variable><Condition withVariable="IS_INSTALLED"><Action do="SKIP" onValue="false"/></Condition></Instance></MultipleInstance>]]></ExtendedSignature>


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Maxima7380 -
When I used this signature, BFI only found it on our Windows endpoints. I've manually verified we have this version of struts on our linux and aix endpoints too. Is there anything I can do to search aix and linux endpoints properly for struts? I've properly imported, deployed the catalog, and scanned and uploaded results on all operating systems, so I know that is not the problem. I've tried creating my own signature for struts, but I get the same result.
Replaced file contents