Driver: Epson Perfection V600 Scanner - Windows x32 & x64
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This task will install the Epson Perfection V600 Scanner Drivers.

PID:   USB\VID_04B8&PID_013A




StatusBeta - Preliminary testing ready for more
TitleDriver: Epson Perfection V600 Scanner - Windows x32 & x64
CategorySoftware Sharing
Download Size48892192
Source IDjgs194
Source Release Date8/25/2014 12:00:00 AM
Added by on 8/26/2014 7:32:08 AM
Last Modified by on 8/26/2014 7:32:08 AM
Counters 5079 Views / 2 Downloads
User Rating 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 star * Average over 0 ratings. ** Log In or Register to add your rating.

Windows XP or Later (Relevance 2997025)
Used in 6266 fixlets and 5 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
/* Windows XP or later */ version of operating system >= "5.1"
Windows Only (Relevance 2997197)
Used in 6452 fixlets and 32 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
/* Windows Only */ windows of operating system
Used in 3 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
not exists folder whose (name of it as lowercase starts with "esa1.inf") of folder "DriverStore\FileRepository" of system x64 folder

Action 1 (default)

Action Link Click here to deploy this action.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
// Downloads

// - This is the commandline 7zip console which is use to unpack installers
// -
prefetch sha1:9ce9ce89ebc070fea5d679936f21f9dde25faae0 size:384846

// - This unzip is a compiled verion of unzip v5.52 fom
// -
prefetch unzip.exe sha1:e1652b058195db3f5f754b7ab430652ae04a50b8 size:167936

// This is the driver from Epson
prefetch epson_driver_installer.exe sha1:36213e1d771fa93035e64bc4a2f6cc263f93acb7 size:48892192

// END of Downloads

// Add unzip.exe & to the client utility cache since they are used in many tasks
// - This will prevent these from from being redownloaded multiple times to the client ( as long as they are in either the download or utility cache )
utility __Download\unzip.exe
utility __Download\

// use the unzip redistributable to unzip the 7zip command line utility
waithidden __Download\unzip.exe -o "{pathname of file "" of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}" -d "{pathname of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}"

// use 7zip to extract the installers from the Epson download
waithidden "{(pathname of file "7za.exe" of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site)}" x -y -o"{pathname of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}\Epson_Driver" "{pathname of file "epson_driver_installer.exe" of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}"

// Install
waithidden "{pathname of file "Setup.exe" of folder "Epson_Driver" of folder "__Download" of client folder of current site}" /SI -sms /Nodisp

// Delete Desktop Icon
delete "{pathnames of files "Desktop\EPSON Scan.lnk" of folders (value of variable "PUBLIC" of environment)}"

// Move start menu folder (only if the 'Digital Imaging' folder exists - for CLM)
if{exists folders "Digital Imaging" of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}
// Delete destination folder (in case it already exists)
    folder delete "{pathname of folders "Digital Imaging" of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}\EPSON Scan"
// Move the 'EPSON Scan' folder into the 'Digital Imaging' folder in the start menu
    dos move /Y "{pathname of (folders "EPSON\EPSON Scan" of it;folders "EPSON Scan" of it) of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}" "{pathname of folders "Digital Imaging" of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}"
// This will move the 'EPSON Scan' folder out of the 'EPSON' folder if created there. Older drives do this, newer ones do not, so this unifies them.
    if{exists folders "EPSON\EPSON Scan" of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}
        dos move /Y "{pathname of folders "EPSON\EPSON Scan" of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}" "{pathname of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}"

// Delete the 'EPSON' folder that remains, only if it exists and is empty ( in case other items remain in this folder that existed before this action was run, the folder will not be deleted )
if{exists folders "EPSON" whose(0 = number of descendants of it) of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}
    folder delete "{pathname of folders "EPSON" of folders "Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" of folders (value of variable "ALLUSERSPROFILE" of environment)}"
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.

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