BES Relay Setting: Name Override
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By default, the BES Clients connect to their BES Relay by using the DNS name reported by the BES Relay. Depending on the configuration of the BES Relay computer and OS, this will be either a computer name (e.g., WINSERVER4) or a fully qualified DNS name (i.e.,

This name must be resolvable to all the BES Clients that will access the BES Relay or it will appear to the BES Clients like the relay does not exist.

You can change the BES Relays to use either a specific name or the IP address below.

Note: If you have a lot of BES Relays (>100), it is probably a good idea to switch the BES Relays to use IP addresses instead of DNS names to avoid extra load on the DNS servers when the BES Clients do their relay autoselection.

Note: Do not set the "Reapply" behavior when taking this action or you may cause the BES Client to constantly reset this setting.

TitleBES Relay Setting: Name Override
CategoryBES Server/Relay Setting
Download Size0
Source ID<Unspecified>
Source Severity<Unspecified>
KeywordsBES Relay Clients DNS Relays
Added by on 10/17/2012 1:16:02 PM
Last Modified by on 10/17/2012 1:16:02 PM
Counters 14839 Views / 125 Downloads
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Used in 30 fixlets   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
NOT exists main gather service
Used in 96 fixlets and 101 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
Used in 85 fixlets and 10 analyses   * Results in a true/false
Show indented relevance
exists relay service OR exists main gather service

Action 1

Action Link Click here to set the BES Relay to use its IP address instead of its DNS name. Note that if the computer has multiple different IP addresses, the DNS name will be used instead of the IPs.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
setting "_BESClient_Relay_NameOverride"="{if (number of (unique values of (address whose (it as string != "") of ip interfaces whose (loopback of it = false) of network as string)) = 1) then (unique values of (address whose (it as string != "") of ip interfaces whose (loopback of it = false) of network as string)) else (dns name) }" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.

Action 2

Action Link Click here to set an override on the DNS name of the listed BES Relay.
Script Type BigFix Action Script
action parameter query "_BESClient_Relay_NameOverride" with description "Please enter an override value for the listed BES Relay (do not include port number):"
// Fail if value contains a colon
// The port number should not be given
continue if {parameter "_BESClient_Relay_NameOverride" of action does not contain ":"}
setting "_BESClient_Relay_NameOverride"="{parameter "_BESClient_Relay_NameOverride" of action}" on "{parameter "action issue date" of action}" for client
Success Criteria

This action will be considered successful when the applicability relevance evaluates to false.

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slu -
When I run this fixlet, I can see that the setting is added correctly _BESClient_Relay_NameOverride, however the relay is still showing Relevant. I assumed if the action where applied the fixlet would no longer be relevant because the success criteria indicates "The action will be considered successful when the relevance evaluates to false"
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