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Relevance #2998951
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  * Results in a true/false
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if ((((concatenation " " of strings of values of entries whose (key of it = "Model") of dictionaries of nodes "AppleAHCIDiskDriver" of nodes "IOAHCIDevice" of nodes of nodes of node "SATA" of node "AppleACPIPCI" of node "PCI0" of node "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry) contains "TS064E") OR ((concatenation " " of strings of values of entries whose (key of it = "Model") of dictionaries of nodes "AppleAHCIDiskDriver" of nodes "IOAHCIDevice" of nodes of nodes of node "SATA" of node "AppleACPIPCI" of node "PCI0" of node "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry) contains "TS128E")) AND ((";" & (concatenation ";" of strings of values of entries whose (key of it = "Revision") of dictionaries of nodes "AppleAHCIDiskDriver" of nodes "IOAHCIDevice" of nodes of nodes of node "SATA" of node "AppleACPIPCI" of node "PCI0" of node "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry) & ";" contains ";TPSABBF0;") OR (";" & (concatenation ";" of strings of values of entries whose (key of it = "Revision") of dictionaries of nodes "AppleAHCIDiskDriver" of nodes "IOAHCIDevice" of nodes of nodes of node "SATA" of node "AppleACPIPCI" of node "PCI0" of node "AppleACPIPlatformExpert" of service plane of iokit registry) & ";" contains ";TPVABBF0;"))) then FALSE else TRUE

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Last Modified by on 6/11/2014 4:57:37 AM
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