BigFix Inventory SignaturesBigFix Inventory Signatures

Networker Client, 8.2
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These signatures were contributed by an IBM development team and should fill some gaps in the standard IBM software catalog.

PublisherEMC Corporation
Product NameNetworker Client
Software Release8.2
KeywordsSolaris ISVTeam
Software UniqueIda25130b0-fef5-11e4-9d9b-005056007f46
Uploaded by on 6/16/2015 3:47:51 AM
Last modified by on 6/16/2015 3:47:51 AM
Counters 9 Downloads
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<SoftwareIdentityCatalog exportTimeStamp="2015-05-20T15:38:24Z">
  <Software name="Networker Client" vendor="EMC Corporation" uniqueId="a25130b0-fef5-11e4-9d9b-005056007f46" version="8.2">
    <Signature uniqueId="a2009fb0-fef5-11e4-9d9b-005056007f46" modified="2015-05-20T13:39:26Z" created="2015-05-20T13:39:26Z">
          <PackageFilter name="NetWorker Client" vendor="EMC Corporation." version="8.2.*" />

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